S3 Query Exception (Fetch)

S3 Query Exception (Fetch)

I have uploaded data from Redshift to S3 in Parquet format and created the data catalog in Glue. I have been able to query the table from Athena but when I create the external schema on Redshift and tried to query on the table I'm getting the below error

ERROR: S3 Query Exception (Fetch)
error: S3 Query Exception (Fetch)
code: 15001
context: Task failed due to an internal error. File 'https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/bucket/folder/partition_key/filename.parquet_1 has an incompatible Parquet schema for column 's3://bucket/folder
query: 560922
location: dory_util.cpp:717
process: query1_118_560922 [pid=32409]

The queries are workinh well in Athena

1 Answer

It kind of tells you what's wrong - the schema of table/partition and the file contents differ too much. The easiest way to fix that would be to run a crawler over the data location with the "update each partition definition from table" checked.

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