Keeping newline n as is in JavaScript object

Keeping newline n as is in JavaScript object

I want to keep string values in my insert object as is

This works fine, the n is kept

{insert: "erferferfnerferferf"}


{insert: "nnn"}

And this becomes a problem

{insert: "n"}

it makes the string like this

{insert: "


I want the string to keep the "nnn" rather than becoming a bunch of new lines

try using .trim(), it may solve your problem.
– Raghav Garg
Jul 2 at 9:49


Possible duplicate of How to escape special characters in building a JSON string?
– Islam Elshobokshy
Jul 2 at 9:51

JSON.stringify("nnn").slice(1, -1)
– Keith
Jul 2 at 9:52

JSON.stringify("nnn").slice(1, -1)

Simply put before n. {insert: "nnn"}
– Abhay Prince
Jul 2 at 9:54

1 Answer

Use .replace() to replace n with n. If you leave n in the variable, it is interpreted as a next line character. So, just replace it with n, thus effectively making it + n.





next line character


Here is an example to illustrate what I'm on about.

string = "javascriptn";
data = {insert:string.replace("n","n")};
console.log("From Object: "+data['insert']);

string = "n"
data = {insert:string.replace("n","n")};
console.log("From Object: "+data['insert']);

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