Testing :id routes

Testing :id routes

How can I test routes with :id into it.

For example, we have suppose a route like this


Now, I want to do a test case, the example scenario I saw from someone's else code was that he was passing a string of numbers (probably user ID or something)

Being a total tester in beginner who have been asked to test something, how can I find that string which I can send when testing something.

For example here

describe('Admin users API testing', () => {
it('GET /admin/users/:id/activityLog', (done) => {
.set('accept', '/application/json')

We are sending request to

it('GET /admin/users/:id/activityLog

Which then looks like this


inside the above get request we have, something like this


So my question is how do the person doing testing knows this?

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