Can't bind chart-data from component to view. Angular 6, predix-ui

Can't bind chart-data from component to view. Angular 6, predix-ui

pls help. SOS

I'm trying to bind chart-data to plot graph, like:


But in console of browser I have only warning that:

Polymer::Attributes: couldn`t decode Array as JSON

My Component:

export class AppComponent {
arr: Array<Object> = ;
seriesConfig: {};

ngOnInit(): void {
this.arr = [
{ x: 1530426560000, y: 179.46 },
{ x: 1530426570000, y: 179.58 },
{ x: 1530426580000, y: 179.58 },
{ x: 1530426590000, y: 179.6 },
{ x: 1530426600000, y: 179.52 },
{ x: 1530426610000, y: 179.56 },
{ x: 1530426620000, y: 179.52 },
{ x: 1530426630000, y: 179.52 }

this.seriesConfig = {
y: { type: "line", name: "series1", x: "x", y: "y" }
} }

My View:

<h2 id="title-tag">Timeseries</h2>
<px-vis-timeseries id="ts1" prevent-resize width="950" height="500" register-location="side" enable-tooltip="true" tooltip
include-all-series selection-type="x" [attr.chart-data]='arr' [attr.series-config]='seriesConfig' x-axis-config='{"title": "Date"}'
y-axis-config='{"title": "y1"}'>


Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

I think you need to pass the chart data with a camelCase key, rather than dashes. (This is the way Polymer works.) Something like this:

<px-vis-timeseries [chartData]='arr'></px-vis-timeseries>

Some more info & links here:

Yes, I've tried it, but in this way it doesn't work too. No warnings, no errors, only empty graph appears without any lines. Any suggestions, why so?
– Galym
Jul 2 at 19:53

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