Copying to a specific sheet: openpyxl - destination sheet ignored when using copy_worksheet

Copying to a specific sheet: openpyxl - destination sheet ignored when using copy_worksheet

Per this answer and these documents I tried to specify a source and target sheet to write to, but when I do, the results are the same as if I hadn't specified a target:



from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('MyFile.xlsx')
ws = 'Sheet1'

idx = book.index(ws)
new_ws = 'Test'
book.create_sheet(new_ws, idx+1)
source = book[ws]
target = book[new_ws]
target = book.copy_worksheet(source)'Output.xlsx')


source = book[ws]

Both result in a new worksheet called Sheet1 Copy added to the end of the workbook. How to a copy a sheet into another empty sheet, or specific location within the workbook?

Sheet1 Copy

1 Answer

I'm still not sure if there's a bug in the ability for copy_workbook to write to a source. However, this is the code I wrote to get around this limitation:

from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb = load_workbook('MyFile.xlsx')
ws = 'Sheet1'
ws_new_name = 'original_sheet'
new_ws = 'Test'

idx = wb.index(ws)
#print (ws.title, 'index is', idx)


#Get the position of the new sheet
n = len(wb.sheetnames) #number of worksheets
copied_ws = wb.worksheets[n-1]
# print ('Final sheet is:', wb.sheetnames[n-1])

#rename worksheets
copied_ws.title = new_ws
ws.title = ws_new_name

#reorder the sheet
sheetorder = [i for i in range(n)] #create an array equal to number of worksheets
for j in range(n-1-idx): #shift sheet order after copied sheet by 1
sheetorder[j+idx+1] = sheetorder[j+idx+1]-1
sheetorder[idx+1] = n-1 #last sheet gets inserted directly after copied sheet
wb._sheets =[wb._sheets[i] for i in sheetorder]

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