Error in XLConnect
Multi tool use
Error in XLConnect
I am trying to import an excel sheet into r. I used the following code:
x <- loadWorkbook("x.xlsx")
b <- readWorksheet(x, sheet="b")
The first line works fine, however, running the second gives the following error:
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘readWorksheet’ for signature ‘"jobjRef", "character"’
I have no missing values in that sheet.
For the purpose of reproducing, download trial.xlsx
system info: Yosemite operating system.
@CarlWitthoft I have just updated the question with a link to excel file to reproduce.
– athraa
Oct 27 '14 at 16:42
@CarlWitthoft I did update to Java Development Kit 8 (JDK 8) and after installing the XLConnect again, it works fine now.
– athraa
Oct 27 '14 at 17:37
@CarlWitthoft Sorry it is not the Java. It is xlsx package that make the confusion.
– athraa
Oct 27 '14 at 17:47
4 Answers
It appears the "root cause" is that you should add code to specify both the function and the package it belongs to. Type XLConnect::loadWorkbook
to select the one you want in this case. There's no 'confusion,' or random selection of duplicated function names in R
. The choice depends on the load order of all loaded packages. Use search()
to see the order in which packages are checked for the command you've entered.
E.g., at present I get
[1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:caTools"
[3] "package:XLConnect" "package:XLConnectJars"
[5] "package:stats" "package:graphics"
[7] "package:datasets" "package:vecsets"
[9] "package:cgwtools" "package:grDevices"
[11] "package:utils" "package:methods"
[13] "Autoloads" "package:base"
You'll notice that anything in your environment (.GlobalEnv
) is selected first, and that all loaded libraries override the base
package, for example.
After lot of struggle found the solution to this. In R studio go to the packages and remove all the packages related to XLConnect and xlsx. Then instal only XLConnect packages by typing
install.packages("XLConnect", dependencies=TRUE)
After this the issue should not exist.
I had the same problem while testing out three different packages for loading .xlsx files into R (XLConnect, xlsx, gdata). The solution was to specify the namespace for loadWorkbook
d3_wb = XLConnect::loadWorkbook("Megadataset_v3.xlsx")
d3 = readWorksheet(d3_wb, 1)
Then it works, no matter if xlsx is loaded/installed or not. The error is because there is also a function with the same name in xlsx and it is defaulting to using the wrong one, which depends on the order the packages were loaded.
Try this instead
x <- readWorksheetFromFile("x.xlsx") in XLConnenct package.
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It would be very helpful to post a link to an example workbook that causes this. That said, Yosemite is brand-new; you may need to reinstall Java and/or wait for new CRAN builds of
.– Carl Witthoft
Oct 27 '14 at 14:07