CSV Search AutoIT

CSV Search AutoIT

I have a CSV file that contains 4 columns, I want to search column 2 and change the corresponding data in column 4 using AutoIT:

col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4
1 502 shop 25.00
2 106 house 50.00
3 307 boat 15.00

2 Answers

If the columns are separated by tabs then you could use StringSplit for that.

$s1 = '1 502 shop 25.00'
$s2 = '2 106 house 50.00'
$s3 = '3 307 boat 15.00'

For $i=1 To 3
$array = StringSplit(Eval('s' & $i), @TAB)
ConsoleWrite('Column 2: "' & StringStripWS($array[2], 8) & '"' & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite('Column 4: "' & StringStripWS($array[4], 8) & '"' & @CRLF)

This sample code will print:

Column 2: "502"
Column 4: "25.00"
Column 2: "106"
Column 4: "50.00"
Column 2: "307"
Column 4: "15.00"


This example creates a CSV file, then reads the file back in and searches every line for '106'. If the string is found and the last column has the value of '50.00', then this value is replaced with '22.00'. The result is written to a new CSV file.

; write the data to the CSV file
Global $hFile = FileOpen('test.csv', 10)
If $hFile = -1 Then Exit
FileWrite($hFile, '1' & @TAB & '502 ' & @TAB & 'shop' & @TAB & '25.00' & @CRLF & _
'2' & @TAB & '106 ' & @TAB & 'house' & @TAB & '50.00' & @CRLF & _
'3' & @TAB & '307' & @TAB & 'boat' & @TAB & '15.00')


; read the CSV file and create a new one
If Not FileExists('test.csv') Then Exit
Global $hFileIn = FileOpen('test.csv')
Global $hFileOut = FileOpen('test_new.csv', 10)

While 1
Global $sLine = FileReadLine($hFileIn)
If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop

If StringInStr($sLine, '106') Then
$sLine = _ReplacePrices($sLine)
ConsoleWrite('New price: ' & $sLine & @CRLF)
FileWriteLine($hFileOut, $sLine)

; search for "106" find that and the corresponding value in
; column 4 (50.00) and change the column 4 value to "22.00"
Func _ReplacePrices($sLineFromCSVFile)
Local $array = StringSplit($sLineFromCSVFile, @TAB)

If StringStripWS($array[2], 8) = '106' And _
StringStripWS($array[4], 8) = '50.00' Then
Return $array[1] & @TAB & $array[2] & @TAB & _
$array[3] & @TAB & '22.00'

If you run the example this will be the result:

enter image description here

search column 2 and change the corresponding data in column 4

Example using _ArraySearch() :


#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Global Enum $CSV_COL1, _
$CSV_COL2, _
$CSV_COL3, _

Global Const $g_sFileInp = @ScriptDir & 'input.csv'
Global Const $g_sFileOut = @ScriptDir & 'output.csv'
Global Const $g_sFileDelim = @TAB
Global Const $g_iColSearch = $CSV_COL2
Global Const $g_iColRepl = $CSV_COL4
Global Const $g_sValSearch = '502'
Global Const $g_sValRepl = '35'

Global $g_iRow = 0
Global $g_aCSV

_FileReadToArray($g_sFileInp, $g_aCSV, $FRTA_NOCOUNT, $g_sFileDelim)

While True

$g_iRow = _ArraySearch($g_aCSV, $g_sValSearch, ($g_iRow ? $g_iRow + 1 : $g_iRow), 0, 0, 0, 1, $g_iColSearch, False)
If @error Then ExitLoop

$g_aCSV[$g_iRow][$g_iColRepl] = $g_sValRepl


_FileWriteFromArray($g_sFileOut, $g_aCSV, $CSV_COL1, Default, $g_sFileDelim)

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