Testing with Mocha and Chai consuming values from previous tests

Testing with Mocha and Chai consuming values from previous tests

I have some tests created with mocha and chai using TypeScript, they actually work as expected. Each function returns a Promise which runs a test.






My question is if is there anyway to consume on each test the value returned by a previous test without using the nesting you see below.



My concern is that if I have more test the nesting code could be very annoying going to the right


import * as request from 'supertest';
import app from '../src/app';
import { Promise } from 'bluebird';
import * as dateformat from 'dateformat';
import Commons from '../../utils/commons';
import { expect } from 'chai';

// all the functions used below are defined over here

registerNonExistingUser(email, pass, role).then(
(jwtToken: string) => {
(user) => {
() => {
() => {
loginUserCorrectCredentials(email, pass).then(
(jwtToken: string) => {
getLocalUserInfoCorrectJwt(jwtToken, email).then(
(user) => {
createTodoAsEditor(jwtToken, todoTitle).then(
(todos) => {
checkTodoExistsWithCorrectTitle(jwtToken, todoTitle).then(
(todo: any) => {
deleteTodoWithCorrectIdAsEditor(jwtToken, todo._id).then(
(todo) => {
'local.email': email,
(user) => {
// console.log(Commons.stringify(user));

Any idea on how to beautify this?

[EDIT 1]

@bhoo-day suggestion did the trick:

registerNonExistingUser(email, pass, role)
.then((_jwtToken: string) => {
return authenticateUserCorrectJwt(_jwtToken);
.then((user) => {
return authenticateUserWrongJwt();

Now I'm wondering if I could transform the beginning of the chain, in order to be something like the following (which I tried but doesn't work). My goal is to put every function at the same level, including the very first function:

.then(() => {
return registerNonExistingUser(email, pass, role);
.then((jwtToken: string) => {
return authenticateUserCorrectJwt(jwtToken);
.then((user) => {
return authenticateUserWrongJwt();

[EDIT 2]

I tried the following and it works. Do you have any idea on how to simplify it?, maybe using: Promise.resolve()...?


new Promise((resolve) => {
it('dummy', (done) => { resolve(); return done(); });
.then(() => {
return registerNonExistingUser(email, pass, role);
.then((_jwtToken: string) => {
return authenticateUserCorrectJwt(_jwtToken);


1 Answer

If you use promise, you could avoid this callback hell because that is the main purpose of promise.

Some ideas to solve the issue.

// temp variable to store jwt token
let token;

registerNonExistingUser(email, pass, role)
.then((jwtToken: string) => {
token = jwtToken; // assign it so other functions can use it
return authenticateUserCorrectJwt(jwtToken)
.then((user) => authenticateUserWrongJwt())
.then(() => loginUserWrongCredentials())
.then(() => loginUserCorrectCredentials(email, pass))
.then((jwtToken: string) => getLocalUserInfoCorrectJwt(jwtToken, email))
.then((user) => createTodoAsEditor(token, todoTitle))
.then((todos) => checkTodoExistsWithCorrectTitle(token, todoTitle))
.then((todo: any) => deleteTodoWithCorrectIdAsEditor(token, todo._id))
.then((todo) => unregisterExistingUser({ 'local.email': email }))
.then((user) => {
// console.log(Commons.stringify(user));

or if you use node 7.6.0 or higher, you can use async/await. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/await

async function printUser() {
try {
let jwtToken = await registerNonExistingUser(email, pass, role);
const user = await authenticateUserCorrectJwt(jwtToken);

await loginUserWrongCredentials();
jwtToken = await loginUserCorrectCredentials(email, pass);
const user = await getLocalUserInfoCorrectJwt(jwtToken, email);
const todos = await createTodoAsEditor(token, todoTitle);
const todo = await checkTodoExistsWithCorrectTitle(token, todoTitle)

const todo = await deleteTodoWithCorrectIdAsEditor(token, todo._id);
const user = await unregisterExistingUser({ 'local.email': email });

} catch (error) {
// catch error here

thanks @bhoo-day, your suggestion did the trick. Do you have maybe one suggestion for the question I just added on my edition above?
– davidesp
Jul 2 at 5:19

@davidesp that is supposed to work with your Promise.resolve().then solution. Can you do breakpoint using debugger or add console.log there?
– bhoo-day
Jul 2 at 5:34



when using: Promise.resolve() I added a breakpoint on the first return and the debugger stops there, but at the same time the testing finalizes right away. Then when I continue the debugging, it doesn't stop on the second return (I think the execution finalized or jumps to the end). In the other, if I use your version, when it stops on the first return the testing doesn't finalize yet, the I can continue pressing F5 to jump from return to return as expected.
– davidesp
Jul 2 at 5:53








Perhaps we can try with return Promise.resolve().then or use done() at the last function from mocha mochajs.org/#asynchronous-code
– bhoo-day
Jul 2 at 6:04

return Promise.resolve().then


I just added [EDIT 2] with one working example. Do you think we could simplify it?, please, check above. Thanks!
– davidesp
Jul 2 at 9:10

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