Extract list data from a column
Extract list data from a column
I have a dataframe that looks really similar to this (basically a table of cities and their coordinates on a map. Note that coordinates is a list of X,Y values.
foo <- data.frame(
city = c("chicago", "new york"),
coordinate = I(list(list(10, 15), list(20, 25))),
myabbr = c("chi", "ny")
bar <- subset(foo, select=c("city", "coordinate"))
Right now, I can create a new table of only the city and the coordinates. I really want the X and Y values to be a separate column. This is what I tried
bar <- subset(foo, select=c("city", "coordinate[1]", "coordinate[2]"))
I'm not sure exactly how to do this though.
cbind(as.character(bar$city), apply(bar, 1, function(i)unlist(i$coordinate)))
I'll give that a shot
– Cameron
Jul 3 at 9:42
cbind(foo, do.call(rbind, lapply(foo$coordinate, unlist)))
?– zx8754
Jul 3 at 9:42
cbind(foo, do.call(rbind, lapply(foo$coordinate, unlist)))
That worked @zx8754. They both did technically, but that one had the proper datatypes
– Cameron
Jul 3 at 9:44
7 Answers
One more option for you, use listCol_w
from splitstackshape
listCol_w(foo, "coordinate")
# city myabbr coordinate_fl_1 coordinate_fl_2
#1: chicago chi 10 15
#2: new york ny 20 25
Picking this because it's arguably the most readable/simple
– Cameron
Jul 3 at 9:55
Because you depend on a highly specific package I can tell you that most R developers would just use the internal
function. Everyone will understand it whereas listCol_w
needs a comment to be understood or looked up in the help.– Juergen
Jul 3 at 10:06
@Juergen What you write is probably true for most packages (e.g. I am struggling to understand
internals though I've used the package for years). Still, this function is easy to read and remember, that's why I posted it as another option.– markus
Jul 3 at 10:20
You can access a list Element with list[[index]]
. In your case you can extract it this way:
foo <- data.frame(city=c("chicago", "new york"), coordinate=I(list(list(10, 15), list(20,25))), myabbr=c("chi", "ny"))
foo$coordinate_x = foo$coordinate[[1]]
foo$coordinate_y = foo$coordinate[[2]]
What you need is to extract the X and Y elements from the list column "coordinate". List extraction is done like list[[index]]
in R.
foo <- data.frame(city=c("chicago", "new york"), coordinate=I(list(list(10, 15), list(20,25))), myabbr=c("chi", "ny"))
bar <- subset(foo, select=c("city", "coordinate"))
bar$x <- bar$coordinate[[1]]
bar$y <- bar$coordinate[[2]]
bar$coordinate <- NULL
Thanks! This is actually what I ended up using!
– Cameron
Jul 3 at 9:58
The idea here is to unlist
each row of your coordinates and cbind
that with the cities, i.e.
cbind(city = as.character(bar$city),
setNames(data.frame(apply(bar, 1, function(i)unlist(i$coordinate))),
c('coordinate1', 'coordinate2')))
which gives,
city coordinate1 coordinate2
1 chicago 10 20
2 new york 15 25
We can unlist the column and bind back to original dataframe, try:
cbind(foo, do.call(rbind, lapply(foo$coordinate, unlist)))
# city coordinate myabbr 1 2
# 1 chicago 10, 15 chi 10 15
# 2 new york 20, 25 ny 20 25
# A tibble: 2 x 3
# Groups: city [2]
city coordinate1 coordinate2
<fct> <dbl> <dbl>
1 chicago 10. 15.
2 new york 20. 25.
You can try a tidyverse as well
foo %>%
mutate(coordinate=map(coordinate,~unlist(.) %>%
paste(., collapse=","))) %>%
separate(coordinate, into = c("x", "y"), sep=",")
# A tibble: 2 x 4
city x y myabbr
<fct> <chr> <chr> <fct>
1 chicago 10 15 chi
2 new york 20 25 ny
This gives you the expected result
.Last.value %>%
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You can try something like
cbind(as.character(bar$city), apply(bar, 1, function(i)unlist(i$coordinate)))
– Sotos
Jul 3 at 9:42