Check whether a value exists in an HBase table

Check whether a value exists in an HBase table

I've got an HBase table with data that looks like:

key1 c:hasErrors false
key2 c:hasErrors true
key3 c:hasErrors false

I want to check whether the column qualifier hasErrors has a value true anywhere in the table.



Obviously I can do a scan:

Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.addColumn(colFam, colQual);
Filter filter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(colFam, colQual, CompareFilter.CompareOp.EQUAL,
new BinaryComparator(Bytes.toBytes("true")));
ResultScanner results = table.scan(scan, auditTableName);

but that's undesirable because any matching rows will be pulled back to my app, and I have to check whether != null. != null

Is there a way to just have a boolean returned that tells me whether or not the value is present in at least one row?

I don’t any other way and scans should be avoided for performances reasons. Consider having another HBase table to track counts of hasErrors, and populate it together with the initial table.
– Harold
Jun 29 at 9:29

@Harold thanks, I haven't found another way either. Luckily it's not a huge issue (I'm scanning with a row key prefix, and the scan isn't run particularly often).
– Ben Watson
Jun 29 at 9:34

1 Answer

Take a look at


* Set whether entire row should be filtered if column is not found.
* If true, the entire row will be skipped if the column is not found.
* If false, the row will pass if the column is not found. This is default.
* @param filterIfMissing flag
public void setFilterIfMissing(boolean filterIfMissing) {
this.filterIfMissing = filterIfMissing;

According to docs, it will not return rows that did not match.

P.S. If you use Get, you have setCheckExistenceOnly method for the similar purpose


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