Mail attachment from Unix script in loop

Mail attachment from Unix script in loop

I have below sample script which was working fine until last week, however, not sure what has changed, I am not getting any attachments sent. I just get greet / text message but not any attachment. I tried with sample .txt as attachment which is success. But not .csv, not sure if csv's are being filtered by unix server, but I don't see any error message. Any idea how to track / check what is going wrong pls?

subject="Test Files"
filecount=`find $FILES -type f | wc -l`
totalfiles=" : Total "
body="Dear All,Please find the attached latest files."
echo $subject $filecount
declare -a attargs
for att in $(find $FILES -type f -name "*.*");do
#attaching all files.
attargs+=( "-a" "$att" )

mail -s "$subject" -r "$from" "${attargs[@]}" "$to" <<< "$body"**

Kind Regards

1, need quotes around subject="...". 2, echo $subject $filecount will be redundant since filecount is already assigned in subject. 3, FILES=/inbox/*.* but it's never used anywhere except as a find target, so you don't need the *.* both in FILES and the -name argument to find. (unless there are files that don't meet the . spec, you don't need it at all.) I doubt any of thise will fix your problem, but cleaning up is usually a good place to start.
– Paul Hodges
Jul 2 at 18:31


echo $subject $filecount






thanks you for comments , yes above code was added to check what is going wrong, but didn't actually fixed issue.
– Kev
Jul 3 at 7:27

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