Installing the Active Directory PowerShell Module on Windows 10

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Installing the Active Directory PowerShell Module on Windows 10

I'm trying to install the active directory module of powershell on windows 10, through this group of commands provided by technet, but I still cannot succeed, I've tried many times and also running the powershell as administrator but the problem remains, it looks like it gets stuck inside a loop printing: "."
I downloaded the code from this link (It comes in a .txt file)

Also I'm attaching the code itself and a screenshot of my result after executing the code.

Basically the code provided creates a function called Install-ADModule and then invokes it:

#requires -RunAsAdministrator

Ashley McGlone, Microsoft Premier Field Engineer
February 2016
For Windows 10 performs the following tasks:
- Downloads and installs Windows 10 RSAT for the appropriate system architecture
- Enables the RSAT AD PowerShell feature
- Updates help for the AD module
- Displays validation output
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Installs the AD PowerShell module from RSAT for Windows 10
Performs the following tasks:
- Downloads and installs Windows 10 RSAT for the appropriate system architecture
- Enables the RSAT AD PowerShell feature
- Updates help for the AD module
- Displays validation output
Requires an elevated PowerShell host.

Requires an internet connection to download the RSAT install.

The RSAT hotfix download (<100MB) will be stored in the Downloads
folder of the user running the script.

Checks the following before taking action:
- Is the system running Windows 10?
- Is the RSAT already installed?
- Is the AD PowerShell feature already enabled?
Switch parameter to validate the install. Performs the following:
- Displays the RSAT update file that was downloaded.
- Confirms the hotfix is installed.
- Displays help for Get-ADDomain.
- Run the cmdlets Get-ADDomain.
Install-ADModule -Verbose
Install-ADModule -Test -Verbose
Function Install-ADModule {
[switch]$Test = $false

If ((Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption -like "*Windows 10*") {
Write-Verbose '---This system is running Windows 10'
} Else {
Write-Warning '---This system is not running Windows 10'

If (Get-HotFix -Id KB2693643 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {

Write-Verbose '---RSAT for Windows 10 is already installed'

} Else {

Write-Verbose '---Downloading RSAT for Windows 10'

If ((Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).SystemType -like "x64*") {
$dl = 'WindowsTH-KB2693643-x64.msu'
} Else {
$dl = 'WindowsTH-KB2693643-x86.msu'
Write-Verbose "---Hotfix file is $dl"

Write-Verbose "---$(Get-Date)"
#Download file sample
$BaseURL = ''
$URL = $BaseURL + $dl
$Destination = Join-Path -Path $HOME -ChildPath "Downloads$dl"
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

Write-Verbose '---Installing RSAT for Windows 10'
Write-Verbose "---$(Get-Date)"
wusa.exe $Destination /quiet /norestart /log:$homeDocumentsRSAT.log

# wusa.exe returns immediately. Loop until install complete.
do {
Write-Host "." -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
} until (Get-HotFix -Id KB2693643 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Host "."
Write-Verbose "---$(Get-Date)"

# The latest versions of the RSAT automatically enable all RSAT features
If ((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName `
RSATClient-Roles-AD-Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).State `
-eq 'Enabled') {

Write-Verbose '---RSAT AD PowerShell already enabled'

} Else {

Write-Verbose '---Enabling RSAT AD PowerShell'
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName RSATClient-Roles-AD-Powershell


Write-Verbose '---Downloading help for AD PowerShell'
Update-Help -Module ActiveDirectory -Verbose -Force

Write-Verbose '---ActiveDirectory PowerShell module install complete.'

# Verify
If ($Test) {
Write-Verbose '---Validating AD PowerShell install'
dir (Join-Path -Path $HOME -ChildPath Downloads*msu)
Get-HotFix -Id KB2693643
Get-Help Get-ADDomain

Get-Help Install-ADModule -Full

Install-ADModule -Verbose

#Install-ADModule -Test -Verbose


# Remove
wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2693643 /quiet /norestart /log:$homeRSAT.log

Result after executing the function created:

PS C:WINDOWSsystem32> Install-ADModule -Verbose
VERBOSE: Perform operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' with following parameters, ''className' = Win32_OperatingSystem,'namespaceName' = rootcimv2'.
VERBOSE: Operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' complete.
VERBOSE: ---This system is running Windows 10
VERBOSE: ---Downloading RSAT for Windows 10
VERBOSE: Perform operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' with following parameters, ''className' = Win32_ComputerSystem,'namespaceName' = rootcimv2'.
VERBOSE: Operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' complete.
VERBOSE: ---Hotfix file is WindowsTH-KB2693643-x64.msu
VERBOSE: ---07/02/2018 14:51:35
VERBOSE: ---Installing RSAT for Windows 10
VERBOSE: ---07/02/2018 14:51:57
......................... (Here is where it keeps printing dots)


enter image description here

The version of windows I have is: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 17134)

I hope you guys could help me with this.

It looks like installing RSAT is just taking a while, which it not unheard of. How long are you waiting? This is the command that's running: wusa.exe $Destination /quiet /norestart /log:$homeDocumentsRSAT.log Take a look at the RSAT.log file and see if anything there jumps out at you as a problem. But it may just be a slow installation.
– jbsmith
Jul 2 at 19:42

@jbsmith hmm for example in the morning i stopped it because it took me like 1 hour and the loop was still running, is it ok to take it more than 1 hour?, oh ok thanks!!! hmm, how do i check that .log file ?
– Jplaudir8
Jul 2 at 19:44

It might be possible that Windows 10 Home does not support the RSAT windows feature. I ran into that issue a couple years ago with trying to use Hyper-V manager on windows 10 home, came to find out that you couldn't use it with the 'home' version of windows. I could definitely be wrong, but just a thought
– cet51
Jul 2 at 19:59

cet51 is correct, rsat cannot be installed on win 10 home.
– Drew Lean
Jul 2 at 20:09

@cet51 thank you so much!, i just tried it in another computer with windows 10 pro and it worked out!
– Jplaudir8
Jul 2 at 20:22

1 Answer

RSAT is not available on the ‘home’ versions of windows. I ran into a similar issue with hyper-v on windows 10 home, but it worked just fine after upgrading to windows 10 pro for a fee.

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