Parameter that's a list of interface{} [duplicate]

Parameter that's a list of interface{} [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I'm trying to create a function that prints out the len of a list passed into it, regardless of the type of the list. My naive way of doing this was:


func printLength(lis interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("Length: %d", len(lis))

However, when trying to use it via

func main() {
strs := string{"Hello,", "World!"}

It complains saying

cannot use strs (type string) as type interface {} in argument to printLength

But, a string can be used as a interface{}, so why can't a string be used as a interface{}?





This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

One of the go "special" things. There is no way to convert slice of one type to the other. You have to do it by hand in a for loop... As far as printing the length what you have done fmt.Printf() is the way.
– biosckon
Jul 2 at 19:34



Duplicate. See the Go FAQ:
– Volker
Jul 3 at 7:15

1 Answer

You can use reflect package - playground

import (
func printLength(lis interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("Length: %d", reflect.ValueOf(lis).Len())

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