Exception Thrown at GetStaticMethodId

Exception Thrown at GetStaticMethodId

I am trying to use JNI to check if the mouse is held. I am using this in an enviroment where I have access to the "org/lwjgl/input/Mouse" class however I get an Access violation when trying to do GetStaticMethodId. Here is my code

jclass mouse_class = lm->m_jenv->FindClass("org/lwjgl/input/Mouse");
jmethodID method = lm->m_jenv->GetStaticMethodID(mouse_class, "isButtonDown", "(I)Z"); <- error is here
jboolean down = lm->m_jenv->CallStaticBooleanMethod(mouse_class, method, 0);

I can confirm that the mouse_class and m_jenv variable aren't null and that the signature is correct.

This is the exception it throws:

Exception thrown at 0x00000000597EB921 (jvm.dll) in javaw.exe: 0xC0000005:
Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000140.
Unhandled exception at 0x00000000597EB921 (jvm.dll) in javaw.exe: 0xC0000005:
Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000140.

Current code:

bool is_mouse_down()
jclass mouse_class = lm->m_jenv->FindClass("org/lwjgl/input/Mouse");
if (lm->m_jenv->ExceptionCheck())
return false;
if (NULL != mouse_class) {
jmethodID method = lm->m_jenv->GetStaticMethodID(mouse_class, "isButtonDown", "(I)Z");
if (lm->m_jenv->ExceptionCheck())
return false;
jboolean down = lm->m_jenv->CallBooleanMethod(mouse_class, method, 0);
if (lm->m_jenv->ExceptionCheck())
return false;
return (bool)(down == JNI_TRUE);

return false;

It was a multi-threading issue, I was the wrong thread

Please call ExceptionCheck() after each of those calls.
Jul 2 at 23:56


@EJP I did that, no results. Same error when debugged. Updated post with what code I have now
– Quinten Mooij
Jul 3 at 13:26

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