Find users with AD property .whenCreated with less than 90 days

Find users with AD property .whenCreated with less than 90 days

$daysOld = "-90"
$currentDate = get-date
$removeIfBefore = $currentDate.AddDays($daysOld)
$vpnuserstest = Get-ADGroupMember VPN_users -Recursive | select samaccountname | foreach ($_.samaccountname) {
Get-ADUser $_.samaccountname -Properties samaccountname, whenCreated |
Select-Object samaccountname,@{n='Days Since Created';e={($((Get-Date)) - $($_.WhenCreated)).Days}} |
Format-table -AutoSize}

Detailed Description:
I am taking the users in the group VPN_users and searching for their "samaccountname" and "whenCreated" properties. Then I would like to take today's date and go back 90 days. Anyone who's "whenCreated" date falls within that 90 day window, I want to add to a table so that I can export it later.

When I run the above code, I get everything listed as I would like, but it still includes everyone who's "whenCreated" property is above 90 days.

Sorry if the code looks "frankenstein'd" together....because it is. I took different aspects from different Google searches and threw them together.

After reading over my post, I realized that I do not have my variable $removeitBefore applied anywhere in the code. Which is why i'm not getting the results that I need. Now, i'm not sure where I could apply that in the script to get the results i'm looking for.
– Rob K O
Jul 2 at 18:20

1 Answer

Here's one way: Construct a timestamp-string and use with the -LDAPFilter parameter. Example:


$daysOld = 90
$timestampUTC = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysOld).ToUniversalTime()
$timestampString = "{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss.0Z}" -f $timestampUTC
Get-ADUser -Properties whenCreated -LDAPFilter "(whenCreated<=$timestampString)"

If you want to limit results to users that are a member of a particular group, you can update the LDAP query filter. Example:

$daysOld = 90
$timestampUTC = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysOld).ToUniversalTime()
$timestampString = "{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss.0Z}" -f $timestampUTC
Get-ADUser -Properties whenCreated -LDAPFilter "(&(whenCreated<=$timestampString)(memberOf=CN=Group Name,OU=Container,DC=fabrikam,DC=com))"

$daysOld = 90 $timestampUTC = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysOld).ToUniversalTime() $timestampString = "{0:yyyyMMdd.0Z}" -f $timestampUTC get-adgroupmember VPN_Users -r | select SamAccountName | ForEach ($_.samaccountname) { Get-ADUser -Properties whenCreated -LDAPFilter "(whenCreated<=$timestampString)" }
– Rob K O
Jul 2 at 18:57

When I try to use it to look at the group, I get no output. Any Idea why?
– Rob K O
Jul 2 at 18:58

Update the LDAP query to specify that you only want members of some group. See updated answer.
– Bill_Stewart
Jul 2 at 20:16

It still outputs everyone in the group, instead of the users that have been created within the last 90 days.
– Rob K O
Jul 3 at 14:41

Hint: There is a comparison operator in the LDAP search filter. What would you change?
– Bill_Stewart
Jul 3 at 15:42

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