Create a text file based on position and length

Create a text file based on position and length

I have a requirement to create a text out put based on position and length of fields. For example

The value of code and filler comes from a class when i create text file it has to match the above requirements

object o1 = "00";
object o2 = "00000";
Console.WriteLine(""" + o1.ToString().PadLeft(8) + """);
Console.WriteLine(""" + o2.ToString().PadRight(8) + """);

What errors are you getting? What problems are you having? What code do you have thus far?
– PrestonM
Jul 2 at 13:35

And....? Have you done any kind of work and are you willing to show your efforts here? Or are just asking someone to write the code for you?
– Steve
Jul 2 at 13:35

I just started with a POC now //string txt = "Hello World"; //string txt2 = "Test"; //string txt3 = "Let's go"; //string line = String.Format("{0,-15} {1,-10} {2,10}", txt, txt2, txt3); //Console.WriteLine(line); //Console.ReadLine(); object o1 = "00"; object o2 = "00000"; Console.WriteLine(""" + o1.ToString().PadLeft(8) + """); Console.WriteLine(""" + o2.ToString().PadRight(8) + """); Console.ReadLine();
– user2524109
Jul 2 at 13:40

Please put your code in the question with an edit. It's unreadable as a comment... IT looks like you are on the right track though (from what I can make of it)!
– JNevill
Jul 2 at 13:41

If the output of o1 and o2 must be on the same line then use Console.Write instead of WriteLine
– Steve
Jul 2 at 13:45

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