Eureka 2.0 is discontinued. What service discovery platform is Netflix using now?

Eureka 2.0 is discontinued. What service discovery platform is Netflix using now?

According to the Eureka wiki (, the Eureka 2.0 has been discontinued.

The open source work on eureka 2.0 has been discontinued. The code base and artifacts that were released as part of the existing repository of work on the 2.x branch is considered use at your own risk.


What is new in Eureka 2.0 compared to Eureka 1.0 (which Spring Cloud 2.0 is still using)?

Does Netflix still use any service discovery platform internally? If yes, what is it?


Found some answers for the first question. Read these:

1 Answer

Eureka 2 was an experiment that ended not being used. Netflix still uses eureka 1.

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