Pandas — .add() resulting in TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

Pandas — .add() resulting in TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

I've run into a bit of a problem adding Pandas dataframes using the .add() method. I have a data generator I'm using to generate synthetic data along a normal distribtuion:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def DataSynthNormal(data, sel, column, fracFull, TotalRows, SelRows, mean, std, abst=False):
fraction = data.loc[data['A'] == sel, column].sample(frac = fracFull).index
if abst:
data1 = pd.DataFrame(np.absolute(np.random.normal(mean, std, round(SelRows*fracFull)).astype('int64')), index=fraction).reindex(range(TotalRows))
data1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(mean, std, round(SelRows*fracFull)).astype('int64'), index=fraction).reindex(range(TotalRows))
data[column] = data[column].add(data1, fill_value=0)

Using a this dataframe as an example:

empty = pd.DataFrame(columns=['A','B'], index=range(0,10))
empty.A[0:4] = "C"; empty.A[4:7] = "D"; empty.A[7:10] = "E"
0 C NaN
1 C NaN
2 C NaN
3 C NaN
4 D NaN
5 D NaN
6 D NaN
7 E NaN
8 E NaN
9 E NaN

And running the data generator:

DataSynthNormal(empty, 'C', 'B', 0.8, 10, 4, 0, 1)

I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in
DataSynthNormal2(empty, 'C', 'B', 0.8, 10, 4, 0, 1)

File "", line 7, in DataSynthNormal2
data[column] = data[column].add(data1, fill_value=0)

File "",
line 1358, in flex_wrapper

line 274, in init

line 4163, in _sanitize_array
subarr = com._asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=dtype)

line 317, in _asarray_tuplesafe
values = [tuple(x) for x in values]

line 317, in
values = [tuple(x) for x in values]

TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

I'm trying to use .add() here because it conserves NaN when two dataframes are added, as opposed to .fillna(0) (which has been outputting n x n matrices, for some reason). I want it to do this because the real data this is trying to emulate has both blanks and 0's throughout. I also can't use "data[column] = data1", because I need to use other conditionals (=='D', =='E') at different times and with different mean and std.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

1 Answer

Came up with a solution, which involved creating a second function:

def DataSynthNormal(data, sel, column, fracFull, TotalRows, selRows, mean, std, abst=False):
fraction = data.loc[data['A'] == sel, column].sample(frac = fracFull).index
if abst:
data1 = pd.DataFrame(np.absolute(np.random.normal(mean, std, round(selRows*fracFull)).astype('int64')), index=fraction).reindex(range(TotalRows))
data1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(mean, std, round(selRows*fracFull)).astype('int64'), index=fraction).reindex(range(TotalRows))
data[column] = data1

Here's the first one, works as you'd expect.

def DataSynthNormal2x(data, sel1, sel2, column, fracFull1, fracFull2, TotalRows, selRows1, selRows2, mean1, std1, mean2, std2, abst=False):
fraction1 = data.loc[data['A'] == sel1, column].sample(frac = fracFull1).index
fraction2 = data.loc[data['A'] == sel2, column].sample(frac = fracFull2).index
if abst:
data1 = pd.DataFrame(np.absolute(np.random.normal(mean1, std1, round(selRows1*fracFull1)).astype('int64')), index=fraction1).reindex(range(TotalRows))
data2 = pd.DataFrame(np.absolute(np.random.normal(mean2, std2, round(selRows2*fracFull2)).astype('int64')), index=fraction2).reindex(range(TotalRows))
data1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(mean1, std1, round(selRows1*fracFull1)).astype('int64'), index=fraction1).reindex(range(TotalRows))
data2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(mean2, std2, round(selRows2*fracFull2)).astype('int64'), index=fraction2).reindex(range(TotalRows))
data12 = data1.add(data2, fill_value=0)
data[column] = data12

And the second, which takes double the inputs and combines it all in-function. These seem to work.

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