Replace all occurrences of a String in all columns in a dataframe in scala
Replace all occurrences of a String in all columns in a dataframe in scala
I have a dataframe with 20 Columns and in these columns there is a value XX which i want to replace with Empty String. How do i achieve that in scala. The withColumn function is for a single column, But i want to pass all 20 columns and replace values that have XX in the entire frame with Empty String , Can some one suggest a way.
2 Answers
You can gather all the stringType
columns in a list and use foldLeft
to apply your removeXX
UDF to each of the columns as follows:
val df = Seq(
(1, "aaXX", "bb"),
(2, "ccXX", "XXdd"),
(3, "ee", "fXXf")
).toDF("id", "desc1", "desc2")
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val stringColumns = df.schema.fields.collect{
case StructField(name, StringType, _, _) => name
val removeXX = udf( (s: String) =>
if (s == null) null else s.replaceAll("XX", "")
val dfResult = stringColumns.foldLeft( df )( (acc, c) =>
acc.withColumn( c, removeXX(df(c)) )
| id|desc1|desc2|
| 1| aa| bb|
| 2| cc| dd|
| 3| ee| ff|
def clearValueContains(dataFrame: DataFrame,token :String,columnsToBeUpdated : List[String])={
(dataset ,columnName) =>
dataset.withColumn(columnName, when(col(columnName).contains(token), "").otherwise(col(columnName)))
You can use this function .. where you can put token as "XX" . Also the columnsToBeUpdated is the list of columns in which you need to search for the particular column.
dataset.withColumn(columnName, when(col(columnName) === token, "").otherwise(col(columnName)))
you can use the above code to replace on exact match.
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Another way to get StringColumns is testDF.dtypes.filter (._2 == "StringType").map (._1)
– Sudheer Palyam
Mar 22 at 5:41