Promise is returning

Promise is returning <pending>

I've written a little code snipped for a http request. After I realized request is async, I rewrote my code with a promise. But it's telling me that the promise is pending. I have absolute no idea why it is wrong. Here my code:


function verifyUser(uname,pword){
var options = {
url: 'CENSORED',
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
form: {'Username':uname, 'Password':pword, 'Key':key},
return new Promise((r,j) => request(options,(error,response,body)=>{
console.log("[ERROR] Promise returned error");
throw j(error);
async function receiveWBBData(uspass,passwd){
const data = await verifyUser(uspass,passwd);
return data;

var test1 = receiveWBBData("r0b","CENSORED");

Thanks in advance!

You don'y need to throw j(error);, just call j with the error. Also, use an else for r(body) since otherwise you can potentially try to reject and resolve. Not a huge issue, but confusing nonetheless. In all likelihood your promise remains pending because it never reaches the resolve function, so that means your request isn't working. Can you post code for that as well? Update @YuryTarabanko caught the culprit.
– somethinghere
Jul 2 at 13:41

throw j(error);









By the time you log it it is still pending. You need to do receiveWBBData("r0b","CENSORED").then(console.log)
– Yury Tarabanko
Jul 2 at 13:42


request(options,(error,response,body) i thought this is the function inside a promise
– RobDeFlop
Jul 2 at 13:43


Yury's Solution is working but can i return the data in .then() ? Its important that I can work with the received data
– RobDeFlop
Jul 2 at 13:44

Possible duplicate of How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?
– estus
Jul 2 at 14:14

2 Answers

receiveWBBData is async. Therefore, test1 is a promise. If you want to log the result, do test1.then(console.log).catch(console.error), or use var test1 = await receiveWBBData(/*...*/) if you want the result in your variable. Note that await can only be used in async functions.




var test1 = await receiveWBBData(/*...*/)


Also, as @somethinghere mentionned, you should not throw your promise rejection, you should return it.

I don't want to log the result. I need the result to work with it in other functions. Therefore, i have to return the data received from the request. And I have still no idea how to solve my issue.
– RobDeFlop
Jul 2 at 14:02

@RobDeFlop You need to get a promise and chain it with then (or await, which is syntactic sugar for `then) in a place you process data. There's no way to return the actual data when there's already a promise. This is the problem this infamous question addresses.
– estus
Jul 2 at 14:17



So, var test1 = await receiveWBBData("r0b","Censored") shall work?
– RobDeFlop
Jul 2 at 14:19

@RobDeFlop Yes. Of course, this means that this should happen inside async function.
– estus
Jul 2 at 14:21


Thanks a lot Sir!
– RobDeFlop
Jul 2 at 14:47

An async function always returns a promise. In order to "unwrap" a promise, you need to await on it, so you need var test1 = await receiveWBBData("r0b","CENSORED");.


var test1 = await receiveWBBData("r0b","CENSORED");

Top-level await is not part of the language yet, so I'd recommend you add a function called main() or run() and just call that when your script starts.



async function receiveWBBData(uspass,passwd){
const data = await verifyUser(uspass,passwd);
return data;

async function main() {
var test1 = receiveWBBData("r0b","CENSORED");

main().catch(error => console.error(error.stack));

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