Postgresql - GROUP BY timestamp AND car_id

Postgresql - GROUP BY timestamp AND car_id

I've got a table with car records:

table: cars

car_id | timestamp | km_driven

I'm running PostgreSQL 9.6.

PostgreSQL 9.6

How can I do a:

SELECT timestamp, car_id, km_driven_within_the_hour FROM cars

I want to GROUP BY my timestamp so all records recorded with each hour is grouped by each car, and then have km_driven_within_the_hour SUM'ed togehter within that hour.





I've tried:

SELECT timestamp, car_id, SUM(km_driven) AS km_driven_within_the_hour
FROM cars
GROUP BY trunc(EXTRACT(hour from timestamp)), car_id

Gives me error:

ERROR: function pg_catalog.date_part(unknown, text) does not exist

And casting timestamp:

SELECT timestamp, car_id, SUM(km_driven) AS km_driven_within_the_hour
FROM cars
GROUP BY trunc(EXTRACT(hour from timestamp::timestamp)), car_id

Gives me:

ERROR: column "cars.timestamp" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

Please edit your question and add some sample data and the expected output based on that data. Formatted text please, no screen shots. (edit your question - do not post code or additional information in comments)
– a_horse_with_no_name
Jul 2 at 13:18

1 Answer

You're almost there. Replace the timestamp by the hour, as in:


trunc(EXTRACT(hour from timestamp::timestamp)),
SUM(km_driven) AS km_driven_within_the_hour
FROM cars
GROUP BY trunc(EXTRACT(hour from timestamp::timestamp)), car_id

Thank you. I would like, however, the timestamp to be GROUP BY the format YYYY-MM-DD HH and with this it only seems hour is shown, so I cannot differ between day, month and year.
– Alfred Balle
Jul 3 at 9:16




Tried group by date_trunc('hour', timestamp::timestamp) but that results in multiple records/lines with same hour.
– Alfred Balle
Jul 3 at 10:55

group by date_trunc('hour', timestamp::timestamp)

Seems group by TO_CHAR(timestamp::timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH'); solves it.
– Alfred Balle
Jul 3 at 11:02

group by TO_CHAR(timestamp::timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH');

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