Create a channel from an array

Create a channel from an array

What is the simplest way to add all the elements of an array to a channel?

I can do this:

elms := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
c := make(chan int, 3)

for _, e := range elms {
c <- e

But I wonder if there is a syntactic sugar for this.

this is a valid question and not just for ease-of-use. When you know how many elements will be added you can pre-allocate buffers and avoid excessive garbage collection due to reallocations. The important information here though is the capacity, not the actual contents of the array. You already provided a capacity for your channel.
– Panagiotis Kanavos
Jul 4 at 9:41

Channels though aren't collections, even if they can be used like that. As the name implies, they are a channel of communication between processes/workers. The capacity specifies how many items can be queued before blocking. If the consumer is fast enough you won't need a large capacity even if you send a large array to the channel. The capacity is needed to prevent the producer from flooding the channel with unprocessed messages
– Panagiotis Kanavos
Jul 4 at 9:46

2 Answers

Code should be correct, maintainable, robust, reasonably efficient, and, most importantly, readable.

By design, Go is simple, but powerful. Everybody can read and memorize the specification: The Go Programming Language Specification. You can learn Go in a day or so. The simplicity makes Go code very readable.

The complexity of syntactic sugar induces cognitive overload. After working alongside Bjarne Stroustrup (C++) and Guido van Rossum (Python), the Go authors deliberately avoided syntactic sugar.

Read Bjarne Stroustrup's recent lament about the complexity of C++: Remember the Vasa!.

It's easy to see what this code does:

package main

func main() {
elms := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
c := make(chan int, len(elms))
for _, elm := range elms {
c <- elm

In Golang Spec on Channels It is defined as:-

A single channel may be used in send statements, receive operations,
and calls to the built-in functions cap and len by any number of
goroutines without further synchronization.

There is one more way to assign complete slice or array to the channel as:

func main() {
c := make(chan [3]int)

elms := [3]int{1, 2, 3}

go func() {
c <- elms

for _, i := range <-c {

Check working example on Go Playground

For information on channels view this link

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