Creating multiple markers with Angular Google Maps from an API

Creating multiple markers with Angular Google Maps from an API

I'm trying to create multiple markers in a Google Map with the AGM package. While I can create multiple markers hardcoding the latitude and longitude if I try to create them with data fetched from an API I can't make it work.

If I do a ngFor in a 'p' tag to show the latitude and longitude, it shows the data correctly but for some reason, it can't create the agm-markers. This is my code:


gps_lats: Array<number>;
gps_longs: Array<number>;

constructor(private _api: ApiService) { }

ngOnInit() {
this._api.machinesLocation().subscribe(res => {
this.gps_lats = Object.values(res['data']).map(({ lat }) => lat);
this.gps_longs = Object.values(res['data']).map(({ long }) => long);


hi @David plz provide json res of machinesLocation service
– Krishna Rathore
Jul 3 at 8:39

– DavidMM
Jul 3 at 9:04

Ok I will create a Stackblitz on demo
– Krishna Rathore
Jul 3 at 9:05

Hi @David I Have post a Solution with Stackblitz demo.
– Krishna Rathore
Jul 3 at 10:18

1 Answer

You can try with this solution

I have create a demo on Stackblitz


markers: Arary<any>=;
ngOnInit() {
this._api.machinesLocation().subscribe((res: any) => {
for(let data in{
lat: parseInt([data].lat),
long: parseInt([data].long)


*ngFor="let m of markers;"

Thanks a lot Krishna, this totally works. I had to fix a bit of the code as I'm using Angular 6 (just small things as fetching the data with res['data'] instead of', but now it works.
– DavidMM
Jul 3 at 10:34

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