how to store the form values without using php? [closed]

how to store the form values without using php? [closed]

I have created a registration form using html, I need to store form values into the database without using php. How can i do this? please suggest me.

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If you don't need php - then why do you add tag php? There're other server side languages except php - use them.
– u_mulder
Jul 3 at 6:31


You can use for example asp
– Sfili_81
Jul 3 at 6:34

2 Answers

You can store value directly using javascript or Jquery AJAX and sql.

The question needs to be a little more descriptive. Which database are you using? You do not want to use any server-side language or do you just do not want to use PHP?

If you do not want to use any server-side language; advanced database systems like MongoDB and PostgreSQL have direct APIs to store data. You can store your data by requesting these APIs via JavaScript.

Or you can use another server-side language other than PHP; such as Python, ASP, Ruby, and so on.

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