How to randomly distribute some available data in excel (a million entries) to a group of 10 columns/rows?

How to randomly distribute some available data in excel (a million entries) to a group of 10 columns/rows?

I have a column of "IDs" of employees (about 1million entries) and I want to distribute them randomly to new 10 rows/columns in a new excel sheet.

For instance:

Card ID




I want to randomly distribute this data to 10 new columns/rows (whatever is feasible) in a new excel sheet.

What have you tried already? Are you wanting to use VBA or Excel formulas?
– girlvsdata
Jul 3 at 6:43

So you have data in A1:A1000000 and you want it randomly into approximately B1:K100000 when a procedure is run, right?
– ashleedawg
Jul 3 at 6:46



@ashleedawg I just want to randomly distribute it to those 10 columns and prepare an excel sheet with those 10 columns having the entries randomly. Then I'll import it to python for further use.
Jul 3 at 6:49

I'm confused - what is the difference between randomly distribute it to those 10 columns and then prepare an excel sheet with those 10 columns having the entries randomly? Do those two sentences not mean the same thing? Also, was the assumption in my comment above correct?
– ashleedawg
Jul 3 at 6:56

randomly distribute it to those 10 columns

prepare an excel sheet with those 10 columns having the entries randomly

@ashleedawg yes they mean the same thing sorry to write it twice. Yes your assumption is correct. I just the want the data to be randomly placed in the new 10 columns.
Jul 3 at 7:00

1 Answer

This procedure is one of several ways you could accomplish this:

Sub randomColumns()

Const inputSheet = "Sheet1" 'name of the sheet with the million values
Const inputColumn = 1 'column # where the million values are
Const inputStartRow = 1 'rows # of the first value
Const outputColumns = 10 'number of columns randomize into

Dim wsIn As Worksheet, wsOut As Worksheet
Dim rw As Long, inValue As Variant, outCol As Long
Set wsIn = Sheets(inputSheet) 'setup worksheets
Set wsOut = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add 'create new worksheet
rw = inputStartRow
Randomize 'seed random number generator

With wsOut
inValue = wsIn.Cells(rw, inputColumn) 'get the value to move
outCol = Int(Rnd() * outputColumns) + 1 'pick random column
.Cells(Application.WorksheetFunction. _
CountA(.Columns(outCol)) + 1, outCol) = inValue 'move value
wsIn.Cells(rw, inputColumn) = "" 'remove value from old location
rw = rw + 1 'next input row
Loop While wsIn.Cells(rw, inputColumn) <> "" 'loop until blank cell
End With
MsgBox "Randomized " & rw - 1 & " items to worksheet '" & wsOut.Name & "'."

End Sub

Change the value of constant inputSheet to the name of the worksheet with the values. If necessary change the other constants, otherwise it will start looking for values in A1 of inputSheet.




A new worksheet will be created and then each number will be placed at the bottom of the values in a randomly selected column, and then deleted from inputSheet.


This will continue until a blank cell is encountered on inputSheet.


Woah! Thank you so much for your time and effort. I'm going to try it out and update you.
Jul 3 at 7:48

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