Sleeping in jest tests (using async await) does not work

Sleeping in jest tests (using async await) does not work

I need to pause the test for a certain time in Jest. Since I am running integration tests I don't want to use mock timers. My first approach was to do this:

function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

describe('User Actions', () => {
it('should refresh tokens', () => {

(async () => {
await sleep(10000);

It did not work. Jest simply get stuck on the sleep function indefinitely! My second approach was to do this:

describe('User Actions', () => {
it('should refresh tokens', () => {

(async () => {

setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);

Since I am using Puppeteer, my third option was to use waitFor function from Puppeteer. But that does not work either:

describe('User Actions', () => {
it('should refresh tokens', () => {

(async () => {

await page.waitFor(10000);


The --detectOpenHandles argument does not show any open handles. What is going on? Why does not Jest not wait?


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