Using Selenium in Python to click/select a radio button

Using Selenium in Python to click/select a radio button

I am trying to select from a list of 3 buttons, but can't find a way to select them. Below is the HTML I am working with.

<input name="pollQuestion" type="radio" value="SRF">
<font face="arial,sans-serif" size="-1">ChoiceOne</font><br />
<input name="pollQuestion" type="radio" value="COM">
<font face="arial,sans-serif" size="-1">ChoiceTwo</font><br />
<input name="pollQuestion" type="radio" value="MOT">
<font face="arial,sans-serif" size="-1">ChoiceThree</font>

I can find it by using the following code:

for i in browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@type='radio']"):
print i.get_attribute("value")

This outputs: SRF,COM,MOT

But I would like to select ChoiceOne. (To click it) How do I do this?

5 Answers

Use CSS Selector or XPath to select by value attribute directly, then click it.


# browser.find_element_by_xpath(".//input[@type='radio' and @value='SRF']").click

Corrections (but OP should learn how to look up in documentation)





WebDriver has no attribute 'find_elements_by_css'. I would prefer to use CSS, as I am taking it from CSS, but found more success adding [0] to the 2nd entry.
– Das Bruno
Jan 24 '14 at 17:21

actually it's find_element_by_css_selector("input[type='radio'][value='SRF']").click()
– sspross
Mar 9 at 6:37


In your for loop you can use the click method.

for i in browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@type='radio']"):

browser.find_elements_by_xpath(".//input[@type='radio' and @value='SRF']")[0].click

This ended up being the fix. I was getting errors without the [0] there, that a list does not have a click() attribute (even though there was only 1 match). Thanks for the help user1177636!

find_elements_by_css_selector worked for me,



Enter image description here

Selenium webdriver Radio button click

When i used xpath :


radio button not selected

But I used css_selector :


radio button selected

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