Creating multiple pandas dataframes from a single dataframe based on iteration

Creating multiple pandas dataframes from a single dataframe based on iteration

From a single dataframe(tr), I'm trying to create multiple dataframes based on a set of columns(cat_col). New dataframe names must be tr_'colname'.
Could someone help me with the below code?

for col in cat_col:
tr_ = tr[[col,'TARGET']].groupby([col,'TARGET']).size().reset_index(name='Counts')
tr_ = pivot_table(tr_,values='Counts',index=[col],columns=['TARGET'])
print tr_.shape

(3, 2)
(7, 2)
(8, 2)
(5, 2)
(6, 2)
(6, 2)
(18, 2)
(7, 2)
(58, 2)
(4, 2)
(3, 2)
(7, 2)


0 Unaccompanied 1
1 Family 0
2 Unaccompanied 0
3 Unaccompanied 0
4 Unaccompanied 0
5 Spouse, partner 0
6 Unaccompanied 0
7 Unaccompanied 0
8 Children 0
9 Unaccompanied 0


Family 37140 3009
Spouse, partner 10475 895
Unaccompanied 228189 20337

Can you add data sample?
– jezrael
Jul 3 at 6:02

Please let me know if it makes sense now. I can see dataframes are being created when I try to print within 'for' loop. I just don't know how to create a new dataframe inside the loop
– Harish
Jul 3 at 6:15

Why do you think tr_ is not DataFrame? It is DataFrame, test it by print (type(tr_))
– jezrael
Jul 3 at 6:30




print (type(tr_))

tr_ is a DataFrame but it gets replaced everytime on iteration and stores the values only for the last column.
– Harish
Jul 3 at 6:50

I just checked your sample and code. I was thinking of a way to store d['A'] as tr_A, d['B'] as tr_B but using a dictionary helps to store the values and retrieve it more easily! Thanks
– Harish
Jul 3 at 7:06

1 Answer

I think need:

tr = pd.DataFrame({'A':list('abcdefabcd'),

print (tr)
0 a a 1
1 b b 1
2 c c 0
3 d d 0
4 e e 1
5 f a 0
6 a b 1
7 b f 1
8 c f 0
9 d e 1

cat_col = ['A','B']

d = {}
for col in cat_col:
tr_ = (tr[[col,'TARGET']].groupby([col,'TARGET'])
.rename_axis(None, axis=1))
#some another processes if necessary

#check if outout is DataFrame
print (type(tr_))

print (tr_)
#if necessary store to dict
d[col] = tr_

#select df from dict
print (d['A'])
A 0 1
0 a NaN 2.0
1 b NaN 2.0
2 c 2.0 NaN
3 d 1.0 1.0
4 e NaN 1.0
5 f 1.0 NaN

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