Get scala's case class parameters using java reflection API

Get scala's case class parameters using java reflection API

I need to get the member variables/parameters of scala case class in java. I tried using the java reflection API in the usual way but doesn't work with scala class.

List<Field> fields = getPrivateFields(myClass.class);

where myClass is a scala case class. How do I achieve this in java?


public static List<Field> getPrivateFields(Class<?> theClass){
List<Field> privateFields = new ArrayList<Field>();

Field fields = theClass.getDeclaredFields();

for(Field field:fields){
return privateFields;

It works perfectly fine for me. What is getPrivateFields doing and what exactly is the problem? Show a concrete example.
– cbley
Jul 2 at 11:31


Added getPrivateFields method. Also, I referred that code from one of the stackoverflow answers.
– Neha Saggam
Jul 3 at 6:56

And what is the problem? Do you get an empty list? Show your case class and the output of your program and state what you expected instead.
– cbley
Jul 3 at 10:09

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