making ledger report from two tables

making ledger report from two tables

I have two tables ledgertable,openingtable I want a report like given below using both the tables like this:
Item No. | Item Name | opening | Date | Voucher No. | Purchase | Issue | Return | Department | balance | Remarks

1 Ac Box 2 01/12/2018 20180000000044 1 3.00
09/16/2017 2017916005 1 III DORM 2.00 for Commen Room, Collected by Kishan
10/07/2017 2017107003 1 III DORM 1.00 Collected by Sanjay
09/15/2017 2017000000461 1 2.00
10/06/2017 2017000000526 1 3.00
I am not getting the query how to do it. I have written a query but it is giving wrong result in balance column. Basically all the values are coming right but I am getting problem to calculate balance.
Here is my query :
"select l.trandate,l.voucherno,l.itemno,l.itemname,l.recieve,l.issue,l.returnback,l.to_dept,o.opening,l.remarks,balance = ((o.opening+isnull(recieve,0)+isnull(returnback,0))-isnull([issue],0))+isnull((select sum((isnull(recieve,0)+isnull(returnback,0))-isnull([issue],0)) from ledgertable b where b.voucherno < l.voucherno and b.itemno=l.itemno),0) from ledgertable l join openingstock o on l.itemno=o.itemno where l.trandate between '" + startdate + "' and '" + enddate + "'"
I am attaching image of result which I am getting with this queryenter image description here

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