Observables with nested reactive form Angular 5

Observables with nested reactive form Angular 5

I have reactive form like this:

<form *ngIf="people$ | async;" [formGroup]="applicationForm" (ngSubmit)="submitForm()">


<button type="submit">Submit</button>


And an appropriate class

export class FormComponent implements OnInit {
applicationForm: FormGroup;
people$: Observable<any>;

constructor( public peopleService: PeopleService ) {}

ngOnInit() {
this.applicationForm = this.fb.group({});

this.people$ = this.peopleService.getPeopleData().pipe(
tap(peopleData => {
this.applicationForm.setControl('people', this.fb.array(peopleData || ));

Im my ngOnInit I'm getting data from service which gives me array of people and pushing to applicationForm as form Controls. The problem occurs when I pass that applicationForm to nested form in array:
Here is the template of nested form:


And a class of nested form

export class BorrowerFormComponent {
@Input() parentForm: FormGroup;
@Output() added: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();
@Output() removed: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();
onAdd() {

onRemove(index) {

get people() {
return (this.parentForm.get('people') as FormArray).controls;

I also emit some adding and removing array elements, I omit this to make code shorter
So Ii shows me control after long period of time but also I have error:

Cannot find control with path: 'people -> 0 -> age'

Did I miss something? Why it cannot find 'people -> 0 -> age'?
This 'age' field is returned from service.

1 Answer

You didn't declare "age" in your formControl


initGroup() {
let rows = this.parentForm.get('people') as FormArray;
age: [null, Validators.required],

Where this should be added? In parent form ngOnInit? I did like this in parent component and still have same error: this.applicationForm = this.fb.group({ people: this.fb.array([ this.fb.group({ age: null, }) ]) });
– Luchnik
Jul 3 at 7:02

@Luchnik. Please check again
– Joseph
Jul 3 at 7:24

It doesn't work. When I do let rows = this.parentForm.get('people') as FormArray; It gives me array of FormControls with appropriate data from service (including age). But when pushing new formGroup - the resulted array looks like this: [FormControl, FormControl, FormGroup] which is not what we need
– Luchnik
Jul 3 at 7:33

Can you replicate this in stackblitz?
– Joseph
Jul 3 at 7:37

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