If a job has status completed execude code in powershell
If a job has status completed execude code in powershell
After about half a day of googling without any luck I've decided to post my question here.
So I want to check if a job has status completed.
Here is my code so far:
Start-job -name Copy -Scriptblock {Copy-Item -force -recurse -path
"C:Test.temp" -destination "D:"}
$x = 170 $length = $x / 100 While($x -gt 0) {
$min ) [int](([string]($x/60)).Split('.')[0]) $Text = " " + $min + "
mintues " + ($x % 60) + " seconds left" Write-progress "Copying file,
estimated time remaning" -status $text -percentComplete ($x/$length)
Start-sleep -s 1 $x--
if (Get-job -name Copy -status "Completed") { Break } }
So as you can see I first start a job, then I run a loop with a countdown progress bar. This is just to give the user some kind of feedback that things are still moving. Note that the "Get-job -status "completed" doesn't work since it's not a parameter of Get-job.
The problem now is that I can't get the "if get job has completed, break the loop" since the copying job might be done before the progress bar.
Does anyone know a good solution to this?
Thanks in advance!
2 Answers
I think you could get the condition to work like this:
if ( Get-job -State Completed | Where-Object {$_.Name.Contains("Copy"){ Break }
Your -status
does not exist in the get-job
((Get-Job -Id $Job).State -eq "Running") { }
You can have boolean tested like that. Well you need can do the same with the name
((Get-Job -Name $name).State -eq "Running") {}
. Remember that $null
returns false so if you have some line to return it will be true. You are welcome– tukan
Jul 3 at 9:27
((Get-Job -Name $name).State -eq "Running") {}
Thanks a lot for your advice!
– Sec99
Jul 3 at 10:03
Using ForEach is probably your best bet for breaking the loop cleanly once done.
This shows a progress bar but no timer, more so just a per file progress so it will tell you what it is up to and whats taking a while.
$srcPath = 'C:Test.temp'
$destPath = 'D:'
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $srcPath -Recurse
$count = $files.count
ForEach ($file in $files){
Write-Progress -activity "Copying from $srcPath to $destPath" -status "$file ($i of $count)" -percentcomplete (($i/$count)*100)
$sourcefilecontainer = $file.parent
} else {
$sourcefilecontainer = $file.directory
$relativepath = $sourcefilecontainer.fullname.SubString($srcPath.length)
Copy-Item $file.fullname ($destPath + $relativepath) -force
Thanks a lot I'll check it out!
– Sec99
Jul 3 at 9:01
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Thanks! I finally found this piece of code that seems to work,
((Get-Job -Id $Job).State -eq "Running") { }
I'll do some more testing. But really appreciate the help!– Sec99
Jul 3 at 9:03