Find the second highest value in data frame in R

Find the second highest value in data frame in R

Hello for below data frame in R, may I know the simplest command (without using any additional library like deplyr) how to find the second highest salary and store the name of the employee in a variable named 2nd_high_employee?

EmployeeID EmployeeName Department Salary
----------- --------------- --------------- ---------
1 T Cook Finance 40000.00
2 D Michael Finance 25000.00
3 A Smith Finance 25000.00
4 D Adams Finance 15000.00
5 M Williams IT 80000.00
6 D Jones IT 40000.00
7 J Miller IT 50000.00
8 L Lewis IT 50000.00
9 A Anderson Back-Office 25000.00
10 S Martin Back-Office 15000.00
11 J Garcia Back-Office 15000.00
12 T Clerk Back-Office 10000.00

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– Sotos
Jul 3 at 6:58

do you need for each department?
– Onyambu
Jul 3 at 7:07

2 Answers

Next time you could consider to post a sample of your data using head(dput(x)), to ease SO members to read in your data.

df <- read.table(text = "
EmployeeID EmployeeName Department Salary

1 T Cook Finance 40000.00
2 D Michael Finance 25000.00
3 A Smith Finance 25000.00
4 D Adams Finance 15000.00
5 M Williams IT 80000.00
6 D Jones IT 40000.00
7 J Miller IT 50000.00
8 L Lewis IT 50000.00
9 A Anderson Back-Office 25000.00
10 S Martin Back-Office 15000.00
11 J Garcia Back-Office 15000.00
12 T Clerk Back-Office 10000.00", header = T)

second_high_employee <- tail(sort(df$Salary),2)[1]
[1] 50000

BTW, it is not possible to start an object name with a number. You could check: ?make.names


Also, for for each department you could do:

aggregate(Salary ~ Department, df, function(x) {tail(sort(x), 2)[1]})
Department Salary
1 Back-Office 15000
2 Finance 25000
3 IT 50000

In case there had been 2 top salaries of 80000 and you had wanted to find the second highest of 50000 again, you could have wrapped x or df$Salaray inside tail(sort(unique()), 2)[1]



tail(sort(unique()), 2)[1]

Thanks a lot for the response, it helps, however considering there is only 1 employee with 50K as a salary, how would I print his name considering I use your command to fetch the second highest salary please?
– dipincoolwater
Jul 3 at 8:13

df[df$Salary %in% tail(sort(df$Salary),2)[1],]
– Len
Jul 3 at 8:14

df[df$Salary %in% tail(sort(df$Salary),2)[1],]

You could add $EmployeeName to this if you only want to print the name
– Len
Jul 3 at 8:15


Gives me the warning for NA values: Warning message: In : applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'NULL' [1] emp_id emp_name salary start_date <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
– dipincoolwater
Jul 3 at 9:05

What does df[df$Salary %in% tail(sort(df$Salary),2)[1],] give?
– Len
Jul 3 at 9:14

df[df$Salary %in% tail(sort(df$Salary),2)[1],]

Using Base R: Finding the 2nd highest salary:

if you need the subset without taking into consideration the department:

EmployeeID EmployeeName Department Salary
7 J Miller IT 50000
8 L Lewis IT 50000

if taking into consideration the department:


EmployeeID EmployeeName Department Salary
10 S Martin Back-Office 15000
11 J Garcia Back-Office 15000
2 D Michael Finance 25000
3 A Smith Finance 25000
7 J Miller IT 50000
8 L Lewis IT 50000

Just for the employee name:

[1] "Miller" "Lewis"

subset(dat,sort(z<-rank(Salary),T)[2]==z) gives the complete row, I just want employee name as a final there a way?
– dipincoolwater
Jul 3 at 9:11

@dipincoolwater check the edit
– Onyambu
Jul 3 at 9:16

Thanks a lot..Cheers!!
– dipincoolwater
Jul 3 at 9:27

lets say I wanna add the salaries of employees in IT department only..what woudl be the query?
– dipincoolwater
Jul 3 at 16:14

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