How to find duplicated Ruby methods with the same name but different code?

How to find duplicated Ruby methods with the same name but different code?

The very large Ruby codebase I am working with has many instances of duplicated methods defined with the same name but some of its code is different (causing a large race condition problem). The eventual end goal is to reconcile the duplicates and have just one version of the same-named method. First I need to find all versions of a method that deviate from the "control" version of that method. Is there an optimal way to search and for and find all instances of duplicated same-named methods that deviate from one defined version?

The duplicated methods are spread out across hundreds of different files and contained in one class. These are essentially helper methods that should have been centralized in one file but instead have been duplicated and often altered, but keeping the same method name. Right now I just need a good way to locate all the instances where these methods have been duplicated and are different from what the method should be.

I think Rubocop only searches for duplicated method names which is only moderately helpful since it could find 237 methods with the same name but I don't know how many of those methods are deviations from my "control" method without manually looking and comparing.

Some examples of a method redefined in files across multiple subdirectories:

def get_field(field_name)
return nil unless field =
field.value.present? ? field.value : nil

def get_field(field_name)

def get_field(field_name)
return nil unless field @company.fields.find_by_identifier(field_name)
field.value.present? ? field.value : nil

def get_field(field_name)

Thanks for your help!

This is quite a vague problem, especially since you mention "race conditions". Are the methods defined in different files? Different classes/modules? Why does the order in which files are loaded affect which method "takes precedence"? Can you provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example of the problem? There are all sorts of things you could try, but I'm not sure what to suggest, with such little information to go on.
– Tom Lord
Jul 2 at 18:37

Hey @TomLord, the duplicated methods are spread out across hundreds of different files and contained in one class. These are essentially helper methods that should have been centralized in one file but instead have been duplicated over and over and often altered, but keeping the same method name. Right now with this question I just need a good way to locate all the instances where these methods have been duplicated and are different from what the method should be. So it's more of a research and planning phase of dealing with a race condition.
– Toma Nistor
Jul 2 at 18:56

237 methods with the same name in the same Class? Many methods have the same name but different implementations for numerous reasons e.g. Integer#+ and String#+ should obviously differ, but I am not sure why you would have them redefined over and over in the same class.
– engineersmnky
Jul 2 at 18:56



Based on your above comment what you should do is write a module that contains the "control" method and then include it in the class and remove all the other references regardless of their implementation
– engineersmnky
Jul 2 at 18:57

You should clarify by editing your question, not trying to explain in comments.
– Cary Swoveland
Jul 2 at 19:06

1 Answer

My first thought was to execute each file of interest with additional code added on the fly to build a directory of methods and their locations. That clearly would not work, however, as exceptions could be expected to be raised almost immediately. Even if exceptions were avoided there would be no guarantee that that added code would be executed. In addition, there could be unintended adverse consequences of blinding running code.

I think the only reasonable approach would be to parse the files of interest. There may even be gems that do just that. It's certainly worth a search.

I have constructed a method that parses the files to build a hash containing the information desired. The main requirement for its use is that the files are formatted properly; specifically, the key words class, module and def must be indented the same number of spaces as their corresponding end keywords. It will therefore miss modules, classes and methods that are defined in-line, such as the following.





module M; end
class C; end
def im(n) 2*n end
def 2*n end

If vertical alignment is a problem there certainly are gems that format code properly.

I chose a particular hash structure, but once that hash has been constructed it could be modified as desired. For example, I've adopted the hierarchy "instance methods->files->containers" ("containers" being modules, classes and top-level). One could easily modify that hash to change the hierarchy to, say, "container->module methods->files". Alternatively, one could enter the information into a database to maintain flexibility on how is used.


The following regular expression is used to parse each line of each file of interest.

R = /
A # match beginning of string
(?<indent>[ ]*) # capture zero or more spaces, name 'indent'
(?: # begin non-capture group
(?<type>class|module) # capture keyword 'class' or 'module', name 'type'
[ ]+ # match one or more spaces
(?<name>p{Upper}p{Alnum}*) # capture an uppercase letter followed by
# >= alphanumeric chars, name 'name'
| # or
(?<type>def) # capture keyword 'def', name 'type'
[ ]+ # match one or more spaces
(?<name> # begin capture group named 'name'
(?:self.)? # optionally match 'self.'
p{Lower}p{Alnum}* # match a lowercase letter followed by
# >= 0 zero alphanumeric chars, name 'name'
) # close capture group 'name'
| # or
(?<type>end) # capture keyword 'end', name 'type'
b # match a word break
) # end non-capture group
/x # free-spacing regex definition mode

The method used for parsing follows.

def find_methods_by_name(files_of_interest)
files_of_interest.each_with_object({ imethod: {}, cmethod: {} }) do |fname, h|
stack =
File.readlines(fname).each do |line|
m = line.match R
next if m.nil?
indent, type, name = m[:indent].size, m[:type], m[:name]
case type
when "module", "class"
name = stack.any? ? [stack.last[:name], name].join('::') : name
stack << { indent: indent, type: type, name: name }
when "def"
if name =~ /Aself./
stack << { indent: indent, type: :cmethod, name: name[5..-1] }
stack << { indent: indent, type: :imethod, name: name }
when "end"
next if stack.empty? || stack.last[:indent] != indent
type, name = stack.pop.values_at(:type, :name)
next if type == "module" or type == "class"
((h[type][name] ||= {})[fname] ||= ) << (stack.any? ?
[stack.last[:type], stack.last[:name]].join(' ') : :main)
raise StandardError, "stack = #{stack} after processing file '#{fname}'" if stack.any?


The files of interest might be, for example, all files in certain directories. In this example we have just two files.

files_of_interest = ['file1.rb', 'file2.rb']

Those files are as follows.

def mm
module M
def m
module N
def self.nm
def n
def a2

class A
def self.a1c
def a1
def a2

class B
include M
def b
#=> 327

def mm
module M
def m
module N
def n
def a2

module P
def p

class A
include M::N
def self.a1c
def a1

class B
include P
def b
#=> 335

h = find_methods_by_name(files_of_interest)
#=> {
# :imethod=>{
# "mm"=>{
# "file1.rb"=>[:main],
# "file2.rb"=>[:main]
# },
# "m"=>{
# "file1.rb"=>["module M"],
# "file2.rb"=>["module M"]
# },
# "n"=>{
# "file1.rb"=>["module M::N"],
# "file2.rb"=>["module M::N"]
# },
# "a2"=>{
# "file1.rb"=>["module M::N", "class A"],
# "file2.rb"=>["module M::N"]
# },
# "a1"=>{
# "file1.rb"=>["class A"],
# "file2.rb"=>["class A"]
# },
# "b"=>{
# "file1.rb"=>["class B"],
# "file2.rb"=>["class B"]
# },
# "p"=>{
# "file2.rb"=>["module P"]
# }
# },
# :cmethod=>{
# "nm"=>{
# "file1.rb"=>["module M::N"]
# },
# "a1c"=>{
# "file1.rb"=>["class A"],
# "file2.rb"=>["class A"]
# }
# }
# }

To eliminate files that appear only once, we can perform an additional step.

h.transform_values! { |g| g.reject { |k,v| v.size == 1 && v.values.first.size == 1 } }

This removes the instance method p and the class method nm.



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