Wildcards in VisibleExternalCommands not working in PSSessionConfiguration

Wildcards in VisibleExternalCommands not working in PSSessionConfiguration

I am trying to use wildcards like "c:scripts*.ps1" in VisibleExternalCommands for New-PSSessionConfigurationFile and the resulting .pssc file looks fine, but cannot get it to work as expected and the documentation is weak here. I can only make VisibleExternalCommands work by giving full path.

Steps to reproduce, tested on Win10 with PowerShell 5.1:

Setup directory and scripts:

Enable-PSRemoting -Force
mkdir c:scripts
echo "Write-Output hello" | Out-File c:scriptshello.ps1 -Force
echo "Write-Output world" | Out-File c:scriptsworld.ps1 -Force

Using Wildcard (NOT working):

New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -VisibleExternalCommands "c:scripts*.ps1" -Path c:scriptsTestWildcard.pssc -SessionType RestrictedRemoteServer -LanguageMode FullLanguage
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name TestWildcard -Path c:scriptsTestWildcard.pssc -Force
Invoke-Command . -ConfigurationName TestWildcard {c:scriptshello.ps1; c:scriptsworld.ps1}
# Fails to recognize both .ps1 scripts as external commands

Using Full Path (works fine):

New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -VisibleExternalCommands "c:scriptshello.ps1" -Path c:scriptsTestFullPath.pssc -SessionType RestrictedRemoteServer -LanguageMode FullLanguage
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name TestFullPath -Path c:scriptsTestFullPath.pssc -Force
Invoke-Command . -ConfigurationName TestFullPath {c:scriptshello.ps1; c:scriptsworld.ps1}
# Prints hello and fails to recognize c:scriptsworld.ps1

The documentation (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/new-pssessionconfigurationfile?view=powershell-5.1) says that wildcard characters are supported, but shows no example of it.

Am I missing something or is this a bug?

Discovered another rarity: If using Enter-PSSession instead of Invoke-Command and saving the logic as a script file and executing that, then it seems to be running in an un-restricted session - not using the PSSessionConfiguration which is the whole point, because it WILL then print both "hello" and "world" in both the wildcard and full path scenarios. Furthermore if executing Get-Command within the script file when using Enter-PSSession, in addition to the expected 8 cmdlets (Exit-PSSession etc.), it will return all sorts of other cmdlets, which were meant to be restricted away.
– tholesen
Jul 5 at 12:52

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