Calculated Column based on the number in Text area

Calculated Column based on the number in Text area

I hope you can help. What I am trying to achieve is a column that recalculates a column based on the value entered in the Text Area. Let me explain.

Text Area

In Pic 1 you can see the page called Rename Dashboard, and I also have a page called Percentage Schema see Pic 2

On Page Percentage Schema you will see that Column 1 is the Product Code, Column 2 is the Product name (I have covered with text doc to protect info), Column 3 is the price of the product and Columns 4 out to 12 tell me what 'Schema' this product is on and what discount can be earned by being on this Schema.

Percentage Schema

Product Code

Product name



So if you observe in Pic 2 Product Code 708230 has a 1 in the first row of Column 4 meaning that this product will receive a 20% discount for being on number 1 Schema, If you look at Column 5 you will see the number 2 and if you navigate directly down and across this product will get a 16% discount, the product receives different discount on different Schema

So in Pic 1 what I would like to happen is that if I type C000004 into Customer Number Area in Text area the pivots will filter, for C000004 (no big deal easily done) but then if I type 5 into Schema number area then, I want the RUBU column in the Pivot to recalculate the percentage discount for each product code in the Pivot based on the number I type in the Schema Number area.

So at present C000004 is locked into Schema 7 via a join and the RUBU column does not calculate any discount for it being on 7.

What I need is for the Schema Column to accept what number I put in the Schema Number area in the text area, then apply the product specific discount based on the data stored on the Percentage Schema page, to the products in the second column of the pivot on Rename Dashboard and then recalculate the RUBU column

Essentially what I need is for the Schema Column to be dynamic so that It will accept whatever number I put in the Schema Number text area and then based on that number, I need the RUBU Column to recalculate totals for a customer. So if C000004 was to change from Schema 7 to Schema 5 I should see a change in the RUBU column in the pivot.

Its an INDEX MATCH function against the numbers stored in the top row of Percentage Schema page.


I'm not sure if it is a dynamic function in the text area that I need or a calculated column for RUBU or a dynamic custom column for Schema...

Sorry for the long post it was tough to explain and as always ANY AND ALL HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED

Pic 1
enter image description here

Pic 2
enter image description here

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