How to do an ElasticSearch using REST request body method and get the returned json formatted / pretty?

How to do an ElasticSearch using REST request body method and get the returned json formatted / pretty?

In issuing a search request, via REST Request Body method, such as

GET /bank/_search
"query": { "match_all": {} },
"sort": [
{ "account_number": "asc" }

is there a parameter that can be added anywhere to request the returned response body's json be formatted/pretty ?

The same search using REST Request URI enables to do that, like

REST Request URI

GET /bank/_search?q=*&sort=account_number:asc&pretty

How to achieve the same using REST request body ?

REST request body

Using ElasticSearch.NET's low level api, one have no control over the REST call, and can only provide the POST json.

var esClient = new ElasticLowLevelClient(_connectionSettings);
//postDataJson is the json depicted in the question's body
var postData = PostData.String(postDataJson);
var response = esClient.Search<StringResponse>("myIndex", postData);

One can send a third parameter, a SearchRequestParameters object, I can't find any property there for that.


enter image description here

I am purposely not using Newtonsoft.Json.
– Veverke
Jul 1 at 14:33

1 Answer

You need to add to your request pretty=true
Like that:


GET /bank/_search?q=*&sort=account_number:asc&pretty=true

for more reference check here

I didn't understand you at first, the pretty should be in the header of the request.
Try like that:

GET /bank/_search?pretty=true
"query": { "match_all": {} },
"sort": [
{ "account_number": "asc" }

If you are using elstic.NET and you want too achieve pretty Jason.
You need to configure it in the connection.
Here is the method you should use(it's in the classConnectionConfiguration : ConnectionConfiguration<ConnectionConfiguration>):

ConnectionConfiguration : ConnectionConfiguration<ConnectionConfiguration>)

/// <summary>
/// Forces all requests to have ?pretty=true querystring parameter appended,
/// causing Elasticsearch to return formatted JSON.
/// Also forces the client to send out formatted JSON. Defaults to <c>false</c>
/// </summary>
public T PrettyJson(bool b = true) => Assign(a =>
this._prettyJson = b;
const string key = "pretty";
if (!b && this._queryString[key] != null) this._queryString.Remove(key);
else if (b && this._queryString[key] == null)
this.GlobalQueryStringParameters(new NameValueCollection { { key, "true" } });

Here you can see the git

You are showing how I do that using the REST Request URI method, I want to know how I do the same via REST Request body (by the way, it is not necessary to assign "true" to pretty, as far as I recall)
– Veverke
Jul 2 at 6:47

I edited the answer, hope it would help. about the true, you are correct - I didn't know it is not necessary to assign true.
– Green
Jul 2 at 18:53

Well, (I believe, not sure) I asked the question with ElasticSearch.NET low level api in mind. using (low level) api. One has no control over the REST call itself. Try to do that with ElasticSearchClient. I edited the question. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
– Veverke
Jul 3 at 9:00

Why don't you work with Nest? there, I know for a fact it exist. (I can update with nest example if you will need)
– Green
Jul 3 at 9:20

Haha, It became personal.
– Green
Jul 3 at 10:35

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