Webpack-Serve Example

Webpack-Serve Example

I'm in the nightmare process of updating one of my older projects from Webpack 3 to 4 and it's introducing a whole chain of things that need fixing. The most annoying one thus far is definitely switching from webpack-dev-server to webpack-serve due to it's lack of an actual example. So with that in mind, how the heck do I use it?

Using Webpack 4.14.0 and Webpack-Serve 1.0.4.

My webpack.config.js had the following options for webpack-dev-server:

devServer: {
contentBase: path.join(__dirname, 'public'),
historyApiFallback: true,
publicPath: '/dist/'

I don't see options for history or public paths just yet, so I suppose I only need the content config option.

So according to the docs I'm supposed to do:

content: path.join(__dirname, 'public')

But where do I put this? The Github README claims that the most commonly used is to put it webpack.config.js but that seems false because the example also does this:


const serve = require('webpack-serve');
const config = require('./webpack.config.js');

serve({ config });

Do I really import a config file into itself?

I'd appreciate an example. Thanks.

Why do you want to move away from the Webpack dev server? It should work as it did before Webpack 4 with the latest version.
– Tholle
Jul 3 at 10:04

The npm page for webpack-dev-server states that it is in maintenace-mode only, and that users should switch if they don't have to support older browsers. webpack-serve is also faster and additionally, I don't see any new documentation for how to use the required 'mode' webpack flag in webpack-dev-server. webpack-dev-server was in fact working acceptably after going from WP 3 to 4, but I don't want to see warnings about the mode flag if I don't have to.
– Aaron Chamberlain
Jul 3 at 10:25

The documentation states that Use webpack-serve for a fast alternative., not necessarily a replacement. It's in maintenance-mode only because all extra functionality you might want can be implemented as an express middleware.
– Tholle
Jul 3 at 10:30

Use webpack-serve for a fast alternative.

Then can you indicate how I'm supposed to set the 'mode' flag in webpack-dev-server?
– Aaron Chamberlain
Jul 3 at 10:41

It might be that you have an old version installed. Try npm i webpack-dev-server@latest
– Tholle
Jul 3 at 10:43

npm i webpack-dev-server@latest

1 Answer

I answered in another question very similar on "how to set up webpack-serve".


For simplicity, I also uploaded the full example to Github

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