Set an IP restriction on service account
Set an IP restriction on service account
At first, I'm using service account with delegated credentials executing Apps Script API to run a function on Google Apps Script from a Python script via Google's Python client library, and it just works fine.
I'd like to add some IP restriction for it, to make sure it can only execute by the specific IP.
I have tried to add a firewall rule in VPC, which deny all ingress from and set the target to the service account. However, running the script after setting the vpc rule is no different than before it.
The firewall rule seems to only target the VM instance used by the service account.
Is there any better way to set IP restriction for service account?
Sorry about my poor English.. Yes, I 'm trying to execute Google Apps script via Google API client for python an using Apps Script API "run". Like the complete example code at the bottom of this link.…
– rueyjye
Jul 3 at 9:58
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I'm just trying to understand your question... Are you trying to execute a Google Apps script via the Google API client for python? Using this API?
– ScottMcC
Jul 3 at 9:33