Sort list of lists with groupby and count
Sort list of lists with groupby and count
I am looking to do a sort of a list of lists. My function needs to return the day that that fewest activity of a certain type and if there is a tie, return the day with the fewest overall activities. Below is a working solution but I feel like it's fairly unpythonic as it needs to convert to a dictionary and back to a list and am looking for a faster way to write this.
print get_day(mylist, 'Activity C')
should yield Day 1
print get_day(mylist, 'Activity C')
Day 1
print get_day(mylist, 'Activity A')
should yield Day 2
print get_day(mylist, 'Activity A')
Day 2
def get_day(l, activity):
d = {}
for x in l:
if x[0] not in d.keys():
d[x[0]] =
d = {k: [v.count(activity), len(v)] for k, v in d.items()}
l = [[k, v[0], v[1]] for k, v in d.items()]
l = sorted(l, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2]))
return l[0][0]
mylist = [['Day 1', 'Activity A'], ['Day 2', 'Activity A'], ['Day 1', 'Activity A'], ['Day 2', 'Activity C'],
['Day 2', 'Activity D']]
get_day(mylist, 'Activity C')
Day 1
@RafaelC Day 1 has no activity of type C. Since the function first needs to sort by a group by of that activity type, then by count of total activities.
– user2242044
2 days ago
what should we do in case when there are equal target activity & overall activities counts?
– Azat Ibrakov
@AzatIbrakov in that case it doesn't matter, so one of the two can be arbitrarily picked
– user2242044
2 Answers
First we can write utility for collecting pairs by first coordinate:
from collections import defaultdict
def collect(items):
result = defaultdict(list)
for key, value in items:
return result
After that our get_day
function can be written like
from collections import Counter
from itertools import imap
def get_day(days_activities, target_activity):
activities_by_days = collect(days_activities)
days_by_activities = collect(imap(reversed, days_activities))
days_target_activity_counter = Counter(days_by_activities[target_activity])
def to_target_and_overall_activities_counts(day):
return (days_target_activity_counter[day],
# if there is a tie
return min(activities_by_days,
# 'Day 1' has fewest overall activities (3 < 4)
>>> mylist = [['Day 1', 'Activity A'],
['Day 1', 'Activity A'],
['Day 2', 'Activity A'],
['Day 2', 'Activity C'],
['Day 1', 'Activity D'],
['Day 2', 'Activity D'],
['Day 2', 'Activity E']]
>>> get_day(mylist, 'Activity C')
'Day 1'
>>> get_day(mylist, 'Activity A')
'Day 2'
>>> get_day(mylist, 'Activity D')
'Day 1'
Can't guarantee speed here without knowing more about the expected input dimensions and use case, but I think this code is more pythonic.
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
def get_day_pythonic(lst, activity):
if not lst:
# Count of activities by day
day_act_counts = Counter([d for (d, a) in lst])
# Activity counts per day
act_counter = defaultdict(Counter)
for (d, a) in lst:
act_counter[a][d] += 1
# NOTE: if planning to call this multiple times, should precompute day_act_counts and act_counter.
# Here we sort first by lowest count of activity, then total activity counts, and then day name.
return sorted([(act_counter[activity][d], day_act_counts[d], d) for d in day_act_counts])[0][-1]
EDIT: Faster implementation
def get_day(lst, activity):
if not lst:
# Count of all activities by day
day_act_counts = {}
# Count of interested activity by day
act_counter = {}
for (d, a) in lst:
day_act_counts[d] = day_act_counts.get(d, 0) + 1
if a != activity: # don't need exact count for other activities
act_counter[d] = act_counter.get(d, 0) + 1
# Here we take the min first by lowest count of activity, then total activity counts, and then day name.
return min((act_counter.get(d, 0), day_act_counts[d], d) for d in day_act_counts)[-1]
this is a very nice clean approach, but unfortunately a bit slow. Using timeit with the data provided, this method is about twice as slow (even precompiled).
– user2242044
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get_day(mylist, 'Activity C')
should yieldDay 1
?– RafaelC
2 days ago