How to use dynamic_cast in if statement

How to use dynamic_cast in if statement

So I've got a simple task to do. There are 3 classes derived from one base class. They're quite simple and will be provided below.
What I need to do is create a new class called PolymorphicAnimal, that'll be able to behave just as any other animal derived from the Animal base class.
To be exact, all they need to do is display the right text after method SoundOff is called. I'm guessing I need to use dynamic_cast here. My question is, what's the right syntax for using dynamic_cast as an if statement, and do all the derived classes need to have at least one virtual method as well?








#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Animal {
virtual std::string SoundOff() = 0;

class Dog : public Animal {
std::string SoundOff() override { return "Woof"; }

class Cat : public Animal {
std::string SoundOff() override { return "Meow"; }

class Cow : public Animal {
std::string SoundOff() override { return "Muu"; }

class PolymorphicAnimal : public Animal {
std::string sound;
PolymorphicAnimal(const Animal &a) {

The line if(std::dynamic_cast... generates compiler errors:


syntax error '<', illegal token on the right side of :: and expected an identifier

syntax error '<', illegal token on the right side of ::

expected an identifier

whats the problem with if(std::dynamic_cast<Cat*>(a))?
– stetoc
Jul 3 at 9:21


@stetoc syntax error '<', illegal token on the right side of ::, and expected an indentifier (in the line with dynamic_cast)
– Melvin Brooks
Jul 3 at 9:27


you cannot cast object to pointer, you need to basically add & before a in your dynamic cast so you pass address of object
– stetoc
Jul 3 at 9:29



Use if(std::dynamic_cast<Cat*>(&a).
– Peter
Jul 3 at 9:44


4 Answers

In C++ you can declare a variable in the conditional of an if, which is a powerful feature that you can exploit here. So,


if (auto kitty = dynamic_cast<const Cat*>(&a)){
// kitty is not nullptr






I was trying your code, and it wouldn't work, then I realized I'm missing const, and just then it worked. This is exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you!
– Melvin Brooks
Jul 3 at 9:33


Also, just being curios, why wouldn't it work without const
– Melvin Brooks
Jul 3 at 9:33


@MelvinBrooks: Out of interest, what is the syntax that didn't work?
– Bathsheba
Jul 3 at 9:38

not the const auto kitty, but const Cat
– Melvin Brooks
Jul 3 at 9:40

const auto kitty

const Cat

Ah I see, yes you need <const Cat*> in the dynamic_cast since dynamic_cast is not allowed to cast away const-ness, const_cast is required for that, with all the cautions that go along with such a cast.
– Bathsheba
Jul 3 at 9:41

<const Cat*>




dynamic_cast is almost always a hack.


Why don't you add another virtual method to Animal, and then have Dog, Cat and Cow override it in the usual way? Or don't you control these classes?





This is a task that usually comes on my exam and carries a nice amount of points for what it is, and the professor expects as to show that we know when and how to use dynamic_cast
– Melvin Brooks
Jul 3 at 9:37


OK, well, if you have no choice... So now you know how, and the 'when' is ... 'never' :)
– Paul Sanders
Jul 3 at 9:39

͏+͏1͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ Nothing wrong with curve-ball answers if they contain excellent advice, which this one does.
– Bathsheba
Jul 3 at 9:44

@Bathsheba Thanks, I'm honoured. Curve-ball answers are a bit of a trademark of mine. Doesn't always work, but, well, you know.
– Paul Sanders
Jul 3 at 9:56

Whereas virtual methods or visitor might be more appropriated, you might use something like:

PolymorphicAnimal(const Animal &a) {
if (const auto* cat = std::dynamic_cast<const Cat*>(&a)) {
// use cat
} else if (const auto* dog = std::dynamic_cast<const Dog*>(&a)) {
// use dog
} // ...

It is very unclear what exactly the PolymorphicAnimal should do. Somehow you need to tell PolymorphicAnimal how to behave, right? So, I'm guessing it's more like a Factory than a derived class.

Something like this:

class PolymorphicAnimal : Animal
Animal *animal;
PolymorphicAnimal(int type)
if (type == Type_Cat) // Type_Cat is an enum for example
animal = new Cat();
// ...add other types here
std::string SoundOff()
return animal->SoundOff();

Normally, you shouldn't need to do if (something dynamic_cast something) in a normal program.

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