Laravel 5.6 - Using @foreach in a markdown

Laravel 5.6 - Using @foreach in a markdown

Hello stackoverflowers,

I try to render a @foreach loop in a markdown template. But I don't get it to work. I found this Laravel- use @foreach in markdown mail, but it didn't take me futher.

I studied the laraval docs but it seems that I'm unable to find my issue.

I try to generate a mail with all information from the supplier-table. Therefore I use the Supplier Class.

Maybe someone could open my eyes or could give me a hint in the right direction.



$suppliers = AppModelSupplierSupplier::all();
return new AppMailSupplierCertificates($suppliers);


namespace AppMailSupplier;

use IlluminateBusQueueable;
use IlluminateMailMailable;
use IlluminateQueueSerializesModels;
use IlluminateContractsQueueShouldQueue;

use AppModelSupplierSupplier;

class Certificates extends Mailable
use Queueable, SerializesModels;

public $supplier;

public function __construct(Supplier $supplier)
$this->supplier = $supplier;


public function build()

return $this->markdown('email.supplier.test');


# Certificate:
|No. | Company | Address

@foreach($supplier as $detail)
| {{$detail->no}} | {{$detail->company}} | {{$detail->address}}

I'm receiving this error:

Argument 1 passed to AppMailSupplierCertificates::__construct()
must be an instance of AppModelSupplierSupplier, instance of
IlluminateDatabaseEloquentCollection given, called in C:xampphtdocs
ppsroutesmail.php on line 7

Am I completely wrong?

Thank you in advance.

@foreach is only for blade template. Its not about laravel.
– user254153
Jul 3 at 9:46

2 Answers

Alright! This seems to be the solution in the Mail-Class:

public function build()

$suppliers = Supplier::all();

return $this->markdown('email.supplier.certificates')->with(['suppliers'=>$suppliers]);

But I'm still open for better solutions!

exactly .. as you are calling a view you should pass all the data that's used
– Athul Raj
Jul 3 at 14:27

You are expecting a single Supplier in your constructor, but you are giving it the collection of suppliers when you initialize it.

public function __construct(Supplier $supplier)
$this->supplier = $supplier;

However, it should be something like this:

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentCollection;

class Certificates extends Mailable
public $suppliers;

public function __construct(Collection $suppliers)
$this->suppliers = $suppliers;

public function build()
return $this->markdown('email.supplier.test');

Thank you very much!
– T.Gerste
Jul 6 at 9:48

@T.Gerste Np, can you mark my answer as the correct one please?
– Chin Leung
Jul 6 at 17:57

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