NonUniqueResultException: JPARepository Spring boot

NonUniqueResultException: JPARepository Spring boot

I am using SpringBoot with JPA and QueryDSL. I have written a HQL to fetch some custom records from the table but it is throwing Exception. Below I am mentioning code of repository:






public interface LoanOfferRepository extends JpaRepository<LoanOffer, Long>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<LoanOffer> {

@Query("select lo.startDate,count(*) from LoanOffer lo where :fsp and lo.startDate between :fromDate and :toDate Group by lo.startDate")
public Map<LocalDate,Integer> getLastMonthLoans(@Param("fsp")Fsp fsp,@Param("fromDate")LocalDate fromDate,@Param("toDate")LocalDate toDate);

Whenever I call this method getLastMonthLoans() I am getting following exception:


Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: query did not return a unique result: 9; nested exception is javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 9] with root cause

javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 9

Is there anything wrong with code or Query or Return type ? Query seems to work fine though.

You should use projections. Please check my answers 1, 2 how to return arbitrary objects from repo.
– Cepr0
Jul 3 at 9:31

2 Answers

Your query result can not be mapped to Map<LocalDate,Integer>.


You may try to return List<Object> instead of Map.



@Query("select lo.startDate,count(*) from LoanOffer lo where :fsp and lo.startDate between :fromDate and :toDate Group by lo.startDate")
public List<Object> getLastMonthLoans(@Param("fsp")Fsp fsp,@Param("fromDate")LocalDate fromDate,@Param("toDate")LocalDate toDate);

And then parse the List<Object> to the Map you need.



As such:

Map<LocalDate, Integer> mappedResult = new HashMap<>();
List<Object> queryResult = loanOfferRepository.getLastMonthLoans(fsp, fromDate, toDate);
for (Object obj : queryResult ) {
LocalDate ld = (LocalDate) obj[0];
Integer count = (Integer) obj[2];
mappedResult.put(ld, count);

Thanks, that solved my problem.
– Jayesh Choudhary
Jul 3 at 9:38

According to the Spring Data documentation, Map doesn't make part of Supported Query Return Types.
And even JPA (even the 2 version) doesn't support Map as return type in executed queries.



So you have two ways to solve your issue :

1) keep the Map as return type. In this case, don't use the Spring Data feature that relieves you from writing boiler plate code.
Instead : create the query from an EntityManager, execute it and apply a post processing to map the result into a Map.
If the Map has a reasonable size and you really need to retrieve a Map from your repository, using this way should be favored.





2) Don't return a Map as return type.


In both cases, you will have to choose the return type of the executed query. You have broadly two alternatives :

1) List<Object> as return type but it is not necessarily meaningful and not type safe either.


2) A custom class representing structure of the rows

public class LoanOfferStats{
private LocalDate startDate;
private Long count;

public LoanOfferStats(LocalDate startDate, Long count) {
this.startDate = startDate;
this.count = count;

public LocalDate getStartDate(){
return startDate;

public Long getCount(){
return count;


And annotate your method such as :

@Query("select new fullpackage.LoanOfferStats(lo.startDate,count(*))
from LoanOffer lo where :fsp and lo.startDate between
:fromDate and :toDate Group by lo.startDate")
public List<LoanOfferStats> getLastMonthLoans(@Param("fsp")Fsp fsp,@Param("fromDate")LocalDate fromDate,@Param("toDate")LocalDate

Note that converting a List to Map is really straight in Java 8 :



List<LoanOfferStats> loanOfferStats = loanOfferRepository.getLastMonthLoans(...);
Map<LocalDate, Long> map =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(LoanOfferStats::getStartDate, LoanOfferStats::getCount));

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