Folding only applications

Folding only applications

The fold tactic replaces all occurrence of a term with another, so fold (id f) tries to replace all occurrences of f with (id f).


fold (id f)


(id f)

However, I want to only fold f if it occurs in the context (f [ ]), not if it occurs in the context ([ ] f). In particular repeat myfold (id f), should not loop.


(f [ ])

([ ] f)

repeat myfold (id f)

Is there a general way to do this type of folding? The best I have right now is

repeat match goal with
| |- context [(f ?x)] => change (f x) with ((id f) x)

But the above does not work for contexts of the form forall x, f x = f x.

forall x, f x = f x

1 Answer

You can use an intermediate value not containing f. Something like


let f' := fresh in
pose (id f) as f';
change f with f'
change (id f') with f'; (* undo the change in locations where we've already added id *)
subst f'.


If you actually want to just fold things in applicative contexts, you can use three intermediate values, like this:

(* Copyright 2018 Google LLC.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 *)
Ltac myfold_id f :=
let id_f := fresh in
let id_f_good := fresh in
let f' := fresh in
pose (id f) as id_f;
pose (id f) as id_f_good;
pose f as f';
repeat (change f with id_f at 1;
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- context[id_f _] ] => change id_f with id_f_good
| _ => change id_f with f'
subst id_f id_f_good f'.
Goal let f := id in (f = f, f 0) = (f = f, f 0).
intro f.
(* (f = f, f 0) = (f = f, f 0) *)
myfold_id f.
(* (f = f, id f 0) = (f = f, id f 0) *)

This prevents looping, but will will still change (g f) into (g (id f))
– Ifaz Kabir
Jul 2 at 19:40

(g f)

(g (id f))

Updated to not change g f to g (id f).
– Jason Gross
Jul 3 at 4:00

g f

g (id f)

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