Most compact way to serialize an object that contains other objects in python?

Most compact way to serialize an object that contains other objects in python?

What is the most compact way to serialize an object that contains other objects or even nested collections of other objects in python?

More info:

In my project, I have collections of instances of my own classes, and each some of these classes again contain collections of instances of some of my other classes.

I need to transfer some of these collections through a REST api using json files.

We can use an example like below.

Example Code:

from typing import List, Dict

class Organization:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.employees = # type: List[Person]

class Person:
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
self.qualification = ""
self.pets = # type: List[Pet]

class Pet:
def __init__(self, name: str, species: str):
self.species = species = name

if __name__ == "__main__":
pets_dict = {"Simba": "cat", "Winnie": "bear", "Tigger": "bear", "Drogon": "dragon",
"Rhaegal": "dragon", "Viserion":"dragon", "Ghost": "wolf"}
people_dict = ["Walt", "Christopher", "Dany", "Jon"]
pets_obj = {p: Pet(p, pets_dict[p]) for p in pets_dict} # type: Dict[str, Pet]
people_obj = {p: Person(p) for p in people_dict} # type: Dict[str, Person]
people_obj["Walt"].pets = [pets_obj["Simba"],]
people_obj["Christopher"].pets = [pets_obj["Winnie"], pets_obj["Tigger"]]
people_obj["Dany"].pets = [pets_obj["Drogon"], pets_obj["Rhaegal"], pets_obj["Viserion"]]
people_obj["Jon"].pets = [pets_obj["Ghost"], ]
organization = Organization("Stories")
organization.employees = list(people_obj.values())



{'name': 'Stories', 'employees': [<__main__.Person object at 0x00000000025DFDD8>, <__main__.Person object at 0x00000000025E6630>, <__main__.Person object at 0x00000000025E6AC8>, <__main__.Person object at 0x00000000025E6B38>]}

As we can see, only the highest level of the object has been serialized, while the objects inside any of its collection keep their type.

Solutions Found So Far:

There is this question-answer.
It contains 2 suggestions: The first is for simple cases only, by using dumps(organization.__dict__). This does not work in the example case. The second method is to write an encoding class, which is similar to the solution (2) below. It's not a bad solution, but see my "Why I think there should be a better way" below.


Use json.dump (or dumps) and include a serializer for each custom class.

def my_serializer(obj):
if type(obj) in (Organization, Person, Pet):
return vars(obj)
return obj

then do

print(dumps(organization, default=my_serializer))

Why I think there should be a better way:

Essentially I am looking for a deep vars (like there is a deepcopy). I can imagine that there are many who have wanted such a thing, so I expect a simple and clear solution exists. I just couldn't Google my way to it, so I turn to the community.



1 Answer

Option 2 - passing a serialiser to json.dumps - is the right way to do this. You provide the serialiser, json.dumps handles recursing through the object graph.



There's no value in deep_vars unless you want a dictionary of your object graph, but you don't want a dictionary, you just the json.


Thanks! I agree. Just for my education: if I did want a dictionary of my object graph, is there a way to do it?
– levraininjaneer
Jul 3 at 6:23

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