Inserting data in a particular column where login id is already present

Inserting data in a particular column where login id is already present

I want to write an sql command in PHP in which I want to insert a data in a particular column having particular data already present in that row.Here is the image where I want to insert 1_day_device to a particular 1_day_id


Also, how can I autodelete a row after a certain time? Like, in the image I want to delete one complete row after one day. I am using PHP for server-side.

Seems like you are looking for replace query
– Arvind
Jul 3 at 3:53


– fyrye
Jul 3 at 4:11

What have you tried so far?
– fyrye
Jul 3 at 4:13

I am getting data from two different sources. First, I get 1_day_id from one source then I get 1_day_device from another source. Now "996609" should get "bdb*********" but right now it's in another row. Similarly, for id "1595281" I want to insert "3cf4********" in that row.
– Jeetu Routela
Jul 3 at 4:18

1 Answer

I think you are looking for the update query with particular 1_day_id. Try with the below query.

UPDATE your_table_name SET 1_day_device='".$device."' WHERE 1_day_data='".$data."'

For delteting the records please follow this link Delete row from database automatically after 24 hours

Please do not use mysql_** based functions, as they are no longer supported, use mysqli_*** or PDO instead. Additionally please reference the use of prepared statements to avoid SQL injection.
– fyrye
Jul 3 at 4:15




ok, I have updated my answer
– shubhangee
Jul 3 at 4:16

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