search text with first letter of each word of a line [closed]

search text with first letter of each word of a line [closed]

I have hundreds of poems of my father and some others poets, in text files. I what to search in a specific manner -I remember a line and want to search in which file this line is. So for a line like 'The dark side of the Sun' I want to provide search string 'tds, only first letter of the words in sequence in a line. For example -

Poem 1 filename: Run_under_sun.txt



The dark side of the sun.



Poem 2 filename: eat_and_drink.txt


The dentist showed the tooth.


How will you squeeze the juice.



So if I provide search string - 'hwys' this should show the result "eat_and_drink.txt" however if the search string is "tds" result should be both "Run_under_sun.txt" and "eat_and_drink.txt" but if search string is "tdso" the result should be only "Run_under_sun.txt".

How can I do that?

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

Welcome to StackOverflow! If you can show us what you've tried so far, we can help you debug it. Also, please choose a particular technology to implement this in and remove the other tags.
– Ashish Acharya
Jul 3 at 4:04

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