BubbleSort with recursion in Python3 - Returning “None”

BubbleSort with recursion in Python3 - Returning “None”

I created a small function to do BubbleSort (just learning how to code) in Python 3 and I can't find the issue.

Here is the code. It's returning "None" for some reason. Could someone please take a look? Thank you!

arr = [1,5,2,7,3]

def bubbleSort(array):
count = 0
#print("array is currently",array)
for idx in range(len(array)-1):
if array[idx] > array[idx + 1]:
array[idx],array[idx + 1] = array[idx + 1],array[idx]
count += 1
#print("swaped and count is currently",count)
#print("array is currently",array)
if count == 0:
#print("Count is zero")
#print("array is currently",array)
return array
#print("Count is not zero")


in your else you need to return bubbleSort(array) ... I can't speak to the correctness of the rest of the implementation
– Matthew Story
Jul 3 at 3:57


return bubbleSort(array)

Possible duplicate of Recursive function returning none in Python
– user3483203
Jul 3 at 3:58

Recursive functions are no different than normal Python functions in how they return values, all the recursive calls to bubbleSort are getting thrown away because you aren't accessing the result.
– user3483203
Jul 3 at 3:58


1 Answer

You need to return the sorted array

arr = [1,5,2,7,3]

def bubbleSort(array):
count = 0
#print("array is currently",array)
for idx in range(len(array)-1):
if array[idx] > array[idx + 1]:
array[idx],array[idx + 1] = array[idx + 1],array[idx]
count += 1
#print("swaped and count is currently",count)
#print("array is currently",array)
if count == 0:
#print("Count is zero")
#print("array is currently",array)
return array
#print("Count is not zero")
return bubbleSort(array)


Thank you so much!!!
– Amanda Demetrio
Jul 3 at 4:41

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