spring-roo 2.0 Spring Webflow Persistence Best Practise

spring-roo 2.0 Spring Webflow Persistence Best Practise

I am having troubles with persisting an entity in a web flow with Spring Roo 2.0.0.RC2.

With Roo 2.0, I have generated an application which shall register a user at the end of a webflow.

Here are my roo commands:

entity jpa --class ~.model.AppUser --serializable
field string --fieldName username --notNull
web flow --flowName registrationProcess --class ~.RegistrationProcessFormBean`

This is my flow.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" start-state="create-appuser" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow/spring-webflow-2.4.xsd">

<persistence-context />

<set name="flowScope.registrationProcessFormBean" value="new de.xx.www.training.RegistrationProcessFormBean()"/>
<set name="flowScope.appUser" value="new de.xx.www.training.model.AppUser()"/>

<view-state id="create-appuser" model="appUser" view="registrationprocess/create-appuser">
<transition on="success" to="end-state" />

<end-state id="end-state" view="registrationprocess/end-state" commit="true"/>


Note: I am aware that it is better to use a dto instead of an entity. Currently, I am just trying to find a simple way to persist the entity AppUser.

My questions:

Please advise. Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

First define your entities and generate repository and service layers :

entity jpa --class ~.model.MyBean --serializable
repository jpa --all --package ~.repository
service --all --apiPackage ~.service.api --implPackage ~.service.impl

Now your service bean (myBeanServiceImpl) is available in the context.


You can use it to save your entity as follow in your flow:

<view-state id="view-state-1" view="gocluster/view-state-1" model="basics">
<transition on="success" to="view-state-2">
<evaluate expression="myBeanServiceImpl.save(basics)" result="flowScope.someObjectData" />

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