Push into an array of documents in mongodb
Push into an array of documents in mongodb
Which operator to use to push a new question into array of question?I have got the document in following format.Which mongo db operator to use to insert a new question into array of questions provided that i am given chapterId and subchapterId in advance.
For example i want to insert a new question in subchapterId "1".
"chapterId": "38",
"subChapter": [
"subchapterId": "1",
"questions": [
"title": "Either his however modern. Stop central owner color type out. Interview five beyond interesting type suddenly.",
"title": "Amount himself foreign color moment gun together sit. Deal race range heart despite several. Rather activity eat dinner save mission western. Civil past public enter four then.",
"title": "Four former operation. Class continue away treatment.nResponsibility condition dinner realize everything. Sign scene order quality yet. Within sing statement skill popular southern whole."
"title": "Where of coach nature ask page allow.nType exist hotel time. Central site policy everyone safe. Official administration family somebody.",
"title": "Necessary dark these much region. Form sometimes seek. Future according detail piece section.nNear everything admit. Senior Republican draw as expert market.",
"subchapterId": "2",
"questions": [
"title": "Audience still use group. Yourself building police. Play imagine serious reality population reach.nHerself without member must think concern window finish."
"title": "Rule trip manage still. Imagine religious above race something successful.nOnce base American series. Low page quite allow. Customer maybe base leave way under blood.",
"title": "Church audience anyone garden. Federal when individual style.Value billion morning need box whether. Coach traditional cold each us truth.",
Thank you very much.
– Ricky Sterling
Jul 3 at 4:23
3 Answers
You can try this
const title = "this is the new question"
{ "subChapter.subchapterId": "1" },
{ "$push": { "subChapter.$.questions": { title } }}
You can use $push along with update
Example code is for chapterId:38 and subchapterId:1
db.collection_name.update({ "chapterId":"38", "subChapter.subchapterId": "1" }, { $push: { "subChapter.$.questions":{'title':'Newly added record'} }})
use $addToSet
Which avoids the Duplicates in the Array of objects while updating
"subChapter.subchapterId" :"1"
},{$addToSet:{"subChapter.$.questions":{title:"updated Object"}}})
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Think this might help stackoverflow.com/questions/13987365/…
– Mamtha Soni K
Jul 3 at 4:16